Welcome Home

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"Phew,finally we're done! I thought it wouldn't really take too long but damn I was wrong..." Surin said,slumping against her chair.

You chuckled.

"Atleast we finished it,now time to give it to the boss and head home."

"Yeah,man I'm really tired today...gonna go back home,prepare myself a nice bath and go to back to my heaven~" she was imagining it with a dreamy look on her face.

"That heaven of yours should really have hoseok to keep you company in there~" you teased.

After you said that,Her face turned tomato red.

"H-hey! Shut up!"

You just laughed it off and grab your stack of papers with Surin,heading to the left hallway. When you both were passing by the lift,the door suddenly opened by itself causing you guys to jump a little by the sudden opening.

There stood..(haha you guys probably know who it is..)Mr.kim in all of his glory and his handsome face. He then got out of the lift,staring at you guys in suprise.

You looked away shyly,a faint blush on your cheeks. You tried to distract yourself by looking at the ground and biting your lip,trying not to look at his face.

"(Y/N),Surin! Didn't think I would run into you guys here...and those papers you're holding.."

"O-oh..um..about the papers..we wanted to gi-give these to you.." you stuttered,looking up at him.

"Let me see." He then grabbed one from your stack of paper and examined it. You were trying so hard to tame your blush that Surin noticed it and smirked at you,winking.

Oh gawd...

"Isn't this the paper work that I told Hoseok to do? Don't tell me he ordered you guys to do it instead of him?" He asked us.

"Well..he just give them to us so we just did it anyway.." Surin answered.

He sighed.

"I hope the extra paper work didn't cause you guys much trouble."

"No its fine! We finished it so there's nothing to worry about!" Said Surin,mentioning the papers in her hands.

"Right..those papers must be heavy,let me carry them." He went to grab your stack of papers.

Before you could say that you could carry them yourself,he already took it from you. He also took surins paper work and stack all of them together.

Wow..he was just holding it like it was nothing. He then smiled at you guys,holding the stack of papers.

"Anyways,I should be putting these back to my office and check on some things but before I do that,I have to thank you guys for doing the paper work even tho it was supposed to be hoseok..I really appreciate it."

"Its no problem at all! Since we were hired to do this kind of stuff,am I right (Y/N)?" Surin said before she turn her head to look at you.

You nodded,smiling.


He then looked at his watch. He turned his attention back to you and Surin.

"Since it's already late,I think it's about time for you guys to head back home,I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow at work..bye now."

"Bye,Mr.kim." we then wave at him.since he is still holding the papers,he just nodded to us,smiling before disappearing to the left hallway. You guys then head back to the right hallway.

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