Party Invitation

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After a while of hugging,you heard a message coming from Namjoon's computer. You slowly stopped hugging him and let go. You noticed that Namjoon was a little reluctant to do so but broke off the hug anyways.

You took a step back so that Namjoon could go and read the message from the unknown person.

You patiently waited as Namjoon went over to his desk and looked down at his computer. He started reading the message.

"I think I should go now.." you muttered,Namjoon looking from the screen then to you.

"You can stay if you want (Y/N),I don't mind." He said,smiling.

You smiled back,feeling rather happy that he was back to his normal self. You shake your head at him.

"No thanks,I still have some stuff to take care of downstairs." You replied.

He then nodded to you before he sat down back to his chair.

You made your way to the door and unlocked it. Before you went out of his office,you turned to him and said,

"See you later."

"See you (Y/N)." He said before you went out and closed the door behind you.

You didn't move as you stood by the door,your back facing it. You had a huge smile stuck to your face the moment you left the room.

Oh my god. I've just hugged Namjoon! I've just hugged the boss himself! This must be a dream,surely..

You then pinched both of your cheeks and winced.

Okay maybe not..

You thought as you rub both of your cheeks. Your thoughts then drifted towards when Namjoon pinned you to the wall and said to not talk to Jimin ever again.

Your face twisted from a huge happy smile into a frown as you thought about it.

Something seems off about Namjoon when he pinned me to the wall and said to me to never talk to Jimin ever again. Why does he even care that I'm talking to someone that he doesn't like? I mean like he could say it to me to not talk to him nicely and explained that he wasn't in good terms with him and I would understand.

But somehow he was really angry that I talk to Jimin. I could see that his eyes held anger but there was something more than anger....was Namjoon jealous?

You thought about Namjoon being jealous and slowly shake your head to yourself.

Nah..Namjoon is the boss and for all I know is that he cares for everyone in the company,even the maintenance. He probably cares for me just like how he cares for other assistants. Maybe he doesn't want me to get close to Jimin cause he doesn't want me to get hurt and he knows Jimin better than me so it's better if I listen to Namjoon.

Besides,I don't want to talk to Jimin for a while ever since he said bad things about my boss.

You grumbled the last part as you walked towards the elevator while shaking your head,clearing your thoughts off. You pushed the button that says 'down' as you waited for the elevator to open.

Once the elevator opened,you stepped in and pushed the button that leads you back to your workplace.

You hummed as you waited for the elevator to came to a stop. Once it did,you step outside and started to walk towards the right hallway aka where your workplace is.

Once you made it,Surin spotted you and made her way towards you. You stare at her blankly,trying to trick her into thinking that it turn out badly. It was sucessful.

He's My Boss? (Namjoon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now