Help From The Enemy

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Jin's eyes widen.

"Lacy?! That Lacy you once dated?!"

Namjoon nodded.

"She just video called me a few minutes ago with (Y/N) there."

"Can I see it?" He nodded again before walking towards his phone that he threw and picked it up. He then showed Jin the clip.

After Jin watched it,he looked at Namjoon with a worried gaze.

"We've got to do something about this.." Jin muttered as Namjoon nodded in response.

"Get the other's here,they need to know about this." Namjoon said.

Jin nodded before he left the room. Namjoon sighed,running his fingers through his hair as he waited for Jin to come back.

Jin then came back with the other's. They look at Namjoon in confusion,frowning.

"Namjoon-ah,what's going on? Jin doesn't want to tell us what exactly happened." Hoseok said as the others nodded.

"And what happened to your office?" Surin asked,looking around the room with wide eyes.

"That's not important,Surin. I have bad news,very bad news." Namjoon said before he took out his phone and handing it to Hoseok. Namjoon then clicked on the clip.

They watched it while Namjoon
and Jin waited for them to finish watching. Once the clip ended,Hoseok and Yoongi had the jungshooked face while Surin gaze at Namjoon with a confused but worried gaze.

"Lacy kidnapped (Y/N)?!" Hoseok exclaimed,looking at Namjoon with pure shock and horror written on his face.

"Yes,we only have 5 hours to search for (Y/N)."

"Who's Lacy?" Surin asked,obviously confused.

"Lacy is Namjoon's ex girlfriend. We met her back at highschool."Yoongi answered.

"And the reason why she kidnapped (Y/N) is because she got jealous of how close (Y/N) is with Namjoon and decided to kidnap her." Yoongi added.

"And how do you know that?" Surin asked,raising an eyebrow.

"Because I told him on how she would feel if any girls tried to flirt or cling to me." Namjoon replied this time.

"Guys,let's stop talking about this. Our main concern now is (Y/N),we don't  know what Lacy will do to her so we need to find where she kidnapped
(Y/N) and fast." Jin said,changing the topic.

Everyone nodded.

"Shouldn't we call the cops and let them handle this??"

"No Hoseok. (Y/N)'s going to get killed if we call them,you heard what Lacy said in the clip." Surin replied as Hoseok nodded a little in response.

"Does anyone know a friend that could hack? We could go and track where (Y/N) is with the help of a hacker." Namjoon asked as he looked at each of them.

Most of them shook their head. Namjoon sighed but shook his head as well. Hoseok was the only one who didn't shake his head.

"You got a friend that could hack Hoseok?"

He slowly nodded,nervous written all over his face as he looked at the ground before looking at them. He then opened his mouth and said,

"T-Taehyung could hack..."

"No." Namjoon said instantly,his voice harsh.

"But (Y/N)! She's in trouble!" Hoseok exclaimed,looking at Namjoon in shock.

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