"Wh-" I croaked, clearing my throat to sound more confident "What now?"

Julie was the only one who was somehow managing to stay calm through all this. She spoke up, determined "We stay"

All eyes were now on her. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and exhailed "We wait for the firefighters, they're probably on the way and will be here any second"

"Are you mad?" Michael bawled, causing everyone to wince at his sudden tone "If we stay here, we could die! We need to find a way out!"

"What do you suggest?" Julie barked at him "Go try to find a way around the fire? And when there's no way out? Then what Michael? Will we have time to go back before the smoke gets to us? It's too big of a risk!"

The concern in his eyes turned into anger within seconds "I for one am not staying" he barked back.

He turned to us looking for support. I was afraid now more than ever. We were splitting up. We were arguing now, when it was of most importance to work together, we were supposed to take sides? My breathing got heavier.

I closed my eyes in disapproval, hearing a weak voice "I'm going with Michael"

It was Jenna. She took his side without question. Ashton countered with her, walking up at Julie, who crossed her arms at the us. Unfortunetely, this was what we decided to do-split up. I would be so mad at them if I weren't still in shock. Cal and Sam nodded at eachother and took Julies side.

It hit ne hardest when Luke picked Michaels side. Not him too. Does no one think this is stupid? I felt like my heart was torn into two. I was wedged between two sides, what now? It hurt to think of never seeing any of them again.

Exhailing a long breath, I slowly walked over to Lukes side. I couldn't leave him. I couldn't stand the thought of never seeing him again. Same goes for all of them, but this was different. I'd follow him to the end of the world if I had to.

Fear, shock. This was all that was washing over us. Our minds were absent, imagining the worst that could come out if this and it was so painful to think of such things. This was it. I swallowed the lump in my throat, keeping me from saying anything, and I sobbed. I wasn't the only one.

Michael found the courage to speak up, although this got to him too. His voice was hoarse, and his words shaky "Come on, let's go"

I felt a tear slip down my cheek. All of this happend in less than a minute, obviously we reacted fast, but I wanted to stay like this forever. Forever with the people I loved and cared about, and who cared about me too. It toar my heart out when the four of us turned around. In silence. And we just left. We left them behind.

As we made our way down the stairs, I felt the temperature rising. I stopped breathing for a second. Fire. Flames. The beautiful hallways I walked through just a few hours back-destroyed. Smoke filled the room as the fire quickly eat up everything in its path. The site was truly frightening.

Michael pulled the collar of his shirt over his face, covering his nose and mouth and signaling for us to do the same. I took a deep breath of air, while it still wasn't completely poisoned and I repeated what he did.

We just had to make our way to the staircase leading to the lower floor and we would be safe. Then we could run out of the building and out of danger. Luckily, the way wasn't blocked and we just had to be careful. Luke took my hand, squeezing it in his. I gave him a significant glance. In situations like these, it means so much to know you're not alone. We slowly made our way through the thick smoke. It made my eyes water and I had to narrow them as much as possible.

I was almost releaved as we neared the exit, when an apartment door, just in front of us, collapsed under its own weight, blocking our way. It crumbled beneath the merciless flames, leaving us trapped. I gasped in surprise and fear, coughing immediately as I inhailed too much smoke. Michael nudged my arm and pointed into the apartment.

I filled with hope. I could see firefighters through the window. They were holding onto a black haired girl and boy-Calum and Julie! At least they were safe. In an unexpected turn of luck, they noticed us. I crossed my fingers this wasn't a halucination. Just five minutes later, we were on our way to the ambulance-we were out of danger.


hey guys!

so let's start with the contest! there will be a question at the end of every chapter from now on, the winner is the first person to answer three questions correctly!

question 1: can you remember which person had a concusion and landed in the hospital and why? (question from How to fall in love)

love you xx

Endlessly (sequel to How to fall in love)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora