Boundaries Don't Exist Chapter Twelve

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King Dice's heated gaze slowly disappeared as he heard The Devil's...bold commentary. Everyone in the casino could see the display, not to mention the workers! Being in a relationship this new, and getting this close, was a new concept to Dice. He usually took things much slower.
Before he had any time to stop himself, a bright purple blush spread across his cheeks. "I-I'm fine...A bloody nose won't kill me.." He finally stuttered out.

The Devil's devious grin only widened when he noticed just how flustered he'd made his dice. "Oh~? Are you sure? It could be nice and sweet...maybe a little extra if you like it~" Chuckling in amusement, Devil disappeared in a cloud of smoke, only to materialize pressed firmly against King's front.
"You're awfully shy, huh? What happened to that bold and seduct--"

King Dice quickly raised both his hands up to cover Devil's mouth.
"No! No! No! Don't you dare say something that...that.."

Devil's hands shot up to grip onto Dice's wrists, pulling the hands away from his mouth.
"Something that what~? I'm only being honest! You know I'd never lie to you, right Dicey?" He growled playfully. The Devil had every intention of flustering his lackey beyond belief.

King Dice wasn't the only person flustered in the room. There were several patrons blushing and squealing over the scene, some even took pictures. This was a rare turn of events.

" know.." Dice uttered shyly, his eyes straying to the side. He could hardly think straight thanks to his boss' playful advances. What was his deal anyway!? He knew that The Devil loved to mess with people, but this was even over the top for him!

"Know what, Dicey? You've got to tell me what you want, I can't read your mind~" Devil's grin couldn't possibly get any wider. Getting to see such a stoic man, crumble right in front of him, brought a wild gleam into his piercing yellow eyes. There was something called 'taking it too far' but that phrase didn't exist in his mind.

"You demon..." King Dice hissed under his breath. His boss obviously wasn't going to just walk away until he got the response he wanted.
"K-Kiss it better, Sir." He finally whispered in defeat. There went all of Dice's pride.

"See! Now that wasn't hard! All you gotta do is ask~!" The Devil chuckled victoriously as he leaned forward to kiss Dice's nose. He had been so wrapped up in his victory that he didn't have any time to react to what his lackey did next.

King Dice threw every bit of self-image he had left right out the fucking window. He couldn't let someone walk all over him like that! Not even the devil himself. Without a second thought, he pulled his boss into a passionate kiss, his leg now pushing between the demon's.
It seemed their public fluster battle ended in a draw.

Both parties pulled back from the kiss panting lightly, their eyes locked in a silent showdown. Nobody won this match...except maybe the squealing members of casino staff.

"Well played Dice. Well played indeed." The Devil broke the silence with what could be considered as a compliment on some levels.
That only increased the casino dweller's shock further.

"Thank you, but I'm not returning the compliment. You hit a man who was off to speak of course." King Dice huffed in his usual stoic manner as he casually adjusted his collar. If it weren't for the very obvious blush clouding his pale cheeks, people would assume he was perfectly fine.
"Sir, you broke a table when dealing with the frog gentleman. Do you want me to throw it out or repair it?" Dice asked, his hands folding behind his back.

The Devil's brows furrowed in annoyance as he watched King return to his professional persona. "You're no fun! Loosen up a little! Fuck the table! Don't do me like that Dice! You're being a party pooper!" He huffed childishly. Yes. The Devil was throwing a tantrum in front of every being in the casino.

King Dice honestly had no idea why he still listened to his boss. The demon had the manners of a toddler and the strength of a god...not the best combination. Dealing with him was a pain but he didn't have a choice at the moment.
"Alright, calm down! Quit it with the puppy dog eyes! I can see you want attention, just be patient, okay?" King Dice smiled contently as he watched his boss puff out his cheeks.
"You're the boss of a casino for goodness sakes! Go play some games, I'll be around if you need anything. I promise." Giving a light hearted chuckle, King Dice reached a hand up to very gently pet the top of Devil's head. "Behave yourself, don't destroy any more tables or equipment, please? I'm going to fix the table, I'll see you later Doll~" Dice playfully winked at a shocked Devil before he made his way through the crowd.

The Devil's mouth was gaping wide in astonishment as he watched his lackey strut off.
"W-Wha...what just happened..?" He wheezed, a clawed hand reaching up to tightly grip his furred chest.
The Devil, master of manipulation, had just gotten played like an ace.
He hadn't even realized just how much he had been nodding in response to Dice's words, until he heard some whispers from a skeleton couple.
He was just put into his place in public! Everyone saw him submit to his lackey without a second thought.
"Holy shit...I.." Gulping nervously Devil made a quick retreat to the empty bar. He needed a plan to get back his invincible image, and he needed it now. Letting people think of him as submissive for even a second made him feel nauseous.

"Need a shot?" A ragged voice beckoned Devil from his thoughts. Mr.Wheezy had recovered from his knockout and returned to work as if nothing happened.

"Honestly just spray me with holy water at this point. I got baited into his little trap so easily...I must look like an idiot!" The Devil groaned into his hands.

"Not an idiot, a lovestruck idiot. Dice has some slick moves I'll give him that!" Wheezy laughed hoarsely as he leaned forward again the bar railing.
"Ain't nobody gonna judge you though. You might have gotten duped but everyone here seemed to love your little routine with King Dice." He added thoughtfully.


I'm so tired it's not even funny. If there are grammar errors anywhere that's my bad because I'm currently to lazy/tired to reread the chapter and fix shit.

Cracked Dice { The Devil X King Dice }Where stories live. Discover now