The Waiting Game Chapter Nine

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Everything about this afternoon felt completely wrong.

However, To any incoming gamblers, things felt completely the same! The casino had been cleaned up just before any guests had arrived, and by then all of the staff were there too.
Things were running like clockwork! The only person who knew things were off was Devil.

The demon sat in a darkened corner of the casino, watching everyone on the floor like a hawk. His worries were on both Dice's and the casino's reputation.

King appeared to be completely fine.
The dice was laughing and joking around, while also dodging comments about the odd mark on his shoulder. He was already trying to get over the events of the previous night. By the time things closed down, his boss would probably give up on talking about it anyways.

The Devil had other plans.
Watching his lackey casually play off the marking he had given him as nothing was infuriating!
"That's important...not everyone gets a fucking love bite by a deity. Ungrateful." He huffed childishly.
Although Devil's marking looked to be only for show, there was more to it. Dice wasn't the only person burdened by the mark.

The Devil had put himself in the position of a violent overprotective boyfriend.
Watching his King Dice win over the hearts of many giggling women, made Devil almost sick with hatred. The way King so casually kissed girls on the hand, or even going so far as a kiss on the cheek, was unacceptable!

"Sir? Don't mean to disturb you but..." A raspy voiced employee began. "You're kinda death glaring's scaring some folks."

"Scaring? What the fuck have I been--" It was then when Devil realized he had burnt the floor below himself, leaving an ominous smoke.
"Okay, whatever! Fuck off! Back to work!" He snapped harshly.
The Devil's little outburst had caught the confused attention of King Dice.

Excusing himself from a blackjack table, Dice calmly made his way across the floor. A faint smile managed to curl onto his lips as he watched Devil's fluffy ears perk up happily.
"Everything alright, Sir? You seem upset...may I help somehow?" Dice offered timidly.

"No...I'm fine.." The Devil uttered with a childish pout, his gaze casted to the side.

"Aww, come on now! You're in a casino and you aren't having fun? Stop worrying so much! Everything is fine! Nothing will change between us, Boss." King Dice reassured in hopes of cheering up his boss.

A distant call from across the room quickly caught King's attention. Apparently there was a small fight starting! Sadly, a sudden tightness around his waist stopped him from taking a step forward.

"Boss...? W-what are you doing?" Dice whispered nervously as he felt several eyes lock onto him. "You're going to make a scene! Please, just let me go deal with the fig--"

"Take a step, and I'll fuck you right in front of everyone." The Devil growled darkly. "Our little 'conversation' from earlier isn't finished. You know I hate waiting, so I suggest you make some damn time to talk with me. Now." Devil's tail was almost painfully tight around King's waist, that hadn't been his intention obviously. All he wanted was to keep his lackey near him...but his anger looked to be a bit of an issue.

"Okay! Okay! Let's talk! No need to do anything you'll regret later on..." King Dice quickly replied. Having a demon for a boss proved to be handy in situations like this one.

With a quick snap of his fingers, Devil teleported Dice and himself into the office. Several clicks could be heard as he locked up every possible exit from the room, effectively cornering King.
"I didn't get to finish what I wanted to say earlier! Fuckin' Troops showed up and..." The demon trailed off in a cranky grumble.
Heaving a heavy sigh, The Devil finally moved his constricting tail off his lackey.

King Dice looked to be incredibly shocked by the oddly unsettled aura his boss was giving off. This wasn't like him at all. "Sir, if you wanted to apologize or say you regretted your actions...I understand..I-I don't blame you if that's the issue." His attempts to settle Devil's rage proved ineffective, if anything it made the situation worse!

"No! I don't fucking regret, Dice! That's what's bugging me!!" The Devil blurted out in frustration.
In one quick movement, he shoved himself forward, pinning his lackey against the wall.
"I should regret doing something like that with an employee...but I don't. Not even a little! Hell, I would probably--" Tsking in annoyance, he laid his head down against King's shoulder in defeat.
"Who am I kidding? I would for sure do it again! Shit, I even want to." With fluffy black ears pinned back in uncertainty, The Devil finally pulled back to look for a reaction. He got one all right.

King Dice's face was flushed a deep purple in a mix of embarrassment and surprise. This was a conversation he could have only dreamed of having! Now...for some miracle reason it actually was.


Yes the chapter is shorter than normal but I really don't care because I WANT TO GO BACK TO FUCKING SLEEP LIKE FUCK YOU INSOMNIA!!!

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