Slowly Breaking Chapter two.

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The night's sudden turn of events quickly changed the atmosphere of the entire casino.

With Devil left staring at the massive red door before him, a rain of silence filled the room. He had two women in that very room. Both wanted to get into his pants. Why was he unaffected? Just moments ago he was getting ready to have a nice threesome...but now sex was the last thing on his mind.

"Devyyy~" The women on his waist whined playfully.
"Ignore that silly dice! He's just jealous he doesn't get any action like you!" The other women cooed from across the room.

In an almost trance like state, The Devil snapped his fingers and both women were suddenly sucked through a black portal. "My dice is important bitch." He growled hatefully. The Devil's hand raised menacingly, a golden trident suddenly appeared out of thin air. He practically broke his door down as he stormed onto the casino floor.

"LISTEN UP FUCKERS!" He roared at the top of his lungs, earning instant silence from the entire casino. "Where is King Dice? Who was the asshole who upset him?" Glaring around the room his flaming red eyes locked onto a trembling 8 ball. "You," He paused teleporting in front of his terrified employee. "What do you know? Answer honestly or I'll split you right in half." The Devil growled impatiently.

" hasn't come out here after going to your office! M-Maybe he went to his room? Boss, I swear I don't know what upset him! He seemed really angry making drinks and then he just ran off!" The eight ball quickly explained, not wanting to waste any time.

The Devil gave a low growl before glancing around the room. 'If he hasn't been out here, he must be in his room. I'll just port in there and teach him a thing or two!' He thought triumphantly. Giving his fingers a quick snap he telepo--
"The fuck?" Devil looked to the ominous green aura now floating around his fingers. Dice sealed him out? He didn't even know that was possible! Guess he'd have to travel there the old fashion way.
Giving his eyes a roll Devil reluctantly made his way to his the manager's door.

"What..?" The Devil was stunned to see a familiar green covering the door handle. "Dice? the damn door?" His intended statement came out as a nervous question. When there wasn't an instant reply, Devil knew for sure something was up. "King Dice! Open this door right now! What's your deal? Why're you being such a pai--" Fluffy black ears perked up as a very quiet sob came from the other side of the door. This couldn't be real, right? His dice disobeying him not once, but /twice/ was absurd. To make things worse someone in that room was clearly crying. Who was he kidding? That voice, no matter how broken, for sure belonged to King Dice.

From the other side of the door, Dice was curled up against the wall furthest from the entrance. He heard his angry boss loud and clear, but he chose not respond. Why should he? His boss probably wanted another task done for his own pleasures.

"Dicey...please open up? You're scaring me..why won't you answer me? I hear you crying!" The Devil suddenly called out, his paw now pressed against the door.

King Dice's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Great. His boss knew he was pathetically crying in a corner. Well, he might as well try and make the demon leave. Heaving a shaky sigh, Dice pulled himself up off the floor and went to the door. "G-Go away...I don't want to help with anything else tonight." He croaked out weakly.

On the opposite side of the door, Devil let out a sigh of relief. Dice finally replied to him! It wasn't in the way he wanted, but it was a reply none the less. "I didn't come for your's the opposite.." His claws lightly scratched at the door like a sad puppy. "I want to help /you/."

Although there wasn't a verbal reply, the green magic on the door began to flicker. King Dice couldn't keep enough focus on the door at the moment. He was to busy having an internal struggle. Should he open the door? Could he even handle what might end up happening next?

Before he had any time to make a choice, the door suddenly bursted open.

The Devil rushed inside and slammed the stupid hunk of wood behind himself. This time HE was the one to lock the door. "Dice! Finally! What did you mean earlier!? What did I do? Why would my Dicey say that??"

King Dice was bombarded with a flurry of question he didn't want to answer. Dark eyes trailed off to the side, refusing to look at the panicked creature before him. "Please don't call me 'your Dicey'. With all due respect, I may have my soul trapped by you, but I never said I was yours...I-I'm not property.." Dice finally mumbled, his nervous gaze timidly moving up to his boss. "Oh..." He was shocked to see that The Devil looked actually heartbroken. His usually piercing yellow eyes now held a welcoming feeling, his fluffy ears were pinned against his head in sadness, and the creature was actually frowning.

"Dice--" A paw reached out towards King's face but was quickly hit away. Devil took a few steps forward, only to watch the dice take the same amount of steps back.

"C'mon...I ain't mad at you! Did you not like the yelling? Was it something I said?"

King Dice laughed weakly. "Yelling? You really are completely oblvious aren't you? I have known you for so long, yet you haven't noticed anything...Why should I be surprised? It's not like you care about me."

The Devil's expression twisted into disgust. "The fuck'ya mean? I'm not an idiot! How could you even think I don't care..? Dice you're my best friend! What more could I--Dice?? Holy shit Dice!"

King's dark pupils finally shattered, forming a broken heart shape.

"I don't get it! What's happening?? Why're your eyes like that!? I just said you were my friend! How is that upsetting??" The Devil remained totally unaware of the very obvious answer in front of him. A literal broken heart was in front of him but he still couldn't catch on.


"What?? No! I'm the boss! I don't take orders from yo--"

"JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY YOU INCONSIDERATE BASTARD!!" Dice exploded into a momentary rage. "DO I HAVE TO SPELL THIS SHIT OUT FOR YOU!? I LIKE YOU, STUPID! HAPPY?? WAS HURTING ME LIKE THIS WORTH IT!? JUST LE--...." King Dice fell silent as a dark figure suddenly pressed close to him. Confused, he looked up completely speechless. The Devil was not only giving him the most comforting hug in the word, but blood red tears were brimming in his eyes.

Cracked Dice { The Devil X King Dice }Where stories live. Discover now