Conflicting Hearts Chapter Three

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King Dice could hardly believe what he was seeing. The devil, a supposedly heartless man, was about to cry. "What? Boss I don't get it...why are you even upset? You're not even sure what's the problem!" The dice uttered under his uneven breath.

"Don't like it.." The Devil's arms tightened around Dice.
"It's scary to see you like this...I-I have no idea what to do! I had no idea something was wrong!" A crimson tear finally managed to roll down his black fur.

"Boss...wait.." Clueless and uncertain, Dice reached a gloved hand up to wipe the tear his boss had shed. To his surprise, a strong hand suddenly reached up to grab his wrist tightly.

A moment of silence fell over the room. Only the soft sniffles coming from both men could be heard. In the tense midst of the situation, an odd sound began to resonate from Devil as he rubbed his cheek against Dice's palm.

"What are you doing...? Are you growling? I-I told you to go away! Don't get angry with....with.." King Dice trailed off as he realized what the sound was. His boss wasn't growling, the idiot was purring like a happy cat. Dice had never been much of an animal person but he couldn't resist the urge to gently rub his thumb soothingly against Devil's cheek.

How did this change so fast? King could have sworn he would be hurt and broken all night! Nobody would be able to soothe his aching heart.
Now, he was the one comforting the very person who upset him in the first place! 'Once a servant always a servant I suppose.' Dice thought, almost amused. Almost.

"The girls are gone, Dice." The Devil finally broke his purring silence.
"Both of'em are somewhere in hell right now...I can deal with that later. You do understand what that means, right?" Devil paused as he watched his lackey shake his head.
"It means I want some company and you're supposed to obey me...but I won't make you. I'd be happy if we could play some cards or something. What'cha s--" Devil bit his forked tongue in shock, as he felt Dice suddenly nuzzle his face against the fluffy crook of his neck.
"W-wha..? Why?? I thought you were pissed off at m--"

"Just shut the fuck up for once. Let me have this. If you want me to forgive you,then just stay like this...just a little more?" Dice's broken hearted eyes stared up to his boss, silently begging for the man to accept.

"I-I mean...pfft! It ain't a big deal..stay like this if you wanna. Do you want to lay down or something? You look like shit." The Devil huffed.
Although a blush couldn't be fully seen, the demon certainly had color on his cheeks.

King Dice raised an eyebrow in suspicion. It was odd to hear his boss asking him for his opinions. Usually everything revolved around 'The Prince of Darkness',  as he liked to call himself. It seemed that the Devil's nice streak was finally burning out. The blunt comment about Dice's exhausted appearance.
"At least you tried, it means a lot to me boss. You're honest as always...and ...    /very/ blunt." The lackey chuckled faintly, his tears finally coming to a stop.

The Devil's entire expression changed into childish happiness. "Really? Does that mean you'll forgive me? Or at least...gimme a chance to make it up to you? I can't have my best employee upset while he's working. It ain't good for our....Dicey..?" The Devil cocked his head to the side, looking down at the odd expression Dice had. He appeared to be suddenly at peace. "Woah!" The Devil groaned as Dice suddenly went limp. "Really? Fell asleep on me? That ain't didn't say you'd gimme a chance." Pouting childishly, he carefully picked up the slumbering dice.
Devil almost set him on the bed, but a voice in the back of his head told him that was a bad idea. If Dice woke up well rested and upset, he could seal out Devil once more. This time it could last nearly all day most likely knowing his dice's stubbornness.
"You like me, right? So it'd be fine if I took you to my office. What'cha think Dicey~?" He obviously didn't expect the sleeping dice to reply, but he still had to tease him at least a little bit.

This time, The Devil was able to finally teleport like he preferred.
His office certainly was a sight to behold. Being a creature of darkness, he had a natural attraction to deeper and darker colors. The majority of his furniture was made of the finest red velvet. The Devil didn't live in his office, so he only had a couple couches beside a forever burning fireplace. Directly beside the scarlet door of the entrance, stood a tall charcoal black bookshelf, brandishing various literature. Most of the books were there because Dice had a slight passion for reading in his spare time.
The most obvious items in the room were the golden throne sat behind a old birch wood desk, that had definitely seen better days, and a massive stack of cash piled into a glass showcase. He liked money, so what? Who said it was a crime to flaunt your somewhat cheated earnings? Nobody. Well, maybe somebody...but they weren't alive long enough to tell the tale.

The hair's on the back of Devil's neck suddenly spiked up as a sleeping King Dice attempted to crawl higher up into The Devil's grasp.
That wouldn't work.
Groaning nervously, Devil did the only thing he could think of. If Dice wanted to stay close to him then he'd let that happen.
Being extra careful to keep quiet, the demon tip toed over to his luxurious red sofa. The Devil was extremely careful as he sprawled out on the couch with King Dice laying on top of him.
Usually he wouldn't relax for more then a few minutes, but it looked like he'd be stuck here for a while.
Finally getting a chance to rest and take in everything that happened, The Devil let out an irritated growl. How could he even start to fix this? He didn't have the full story of why his lackey was upset, and simple 'I like you' didn't give him much to work with.
"Why you gotta be so difficult? You're just as stubborn as me..." He sighed under his breath.
Looking over Dice's sleeping features, an almost content expression appeared on Devil's face. Not everything was perfect obviously. Dice had slightly puffy eyes from his crying only minutes ago and his cheeks were dusted with a light purple blush, but who needed perfect from the person they cared for the most?
"Fuck my life!" The Devil groaned to himself. The temptation to corrupt this innocently peaceful man was overwhelming. God, he could do so many things.
A curious paw slowly slid down to tenderly rest against the arch of King's back.
"If I went further...he wouldn't even know. Does he have any idea who he passed out on? He is either really fucking stupid or...he trusts me.." Devil's hand gently began to rub circles into Dice's lower back.
The thought of someone actually trusting him had been a long forgotten dream. Who would trust the devil? His daily life contained swindling and manipulating, but many people missed one thing. Devil might be a cheap asshole, but he never told a lie. He would keep details minimal in order to get his way, but he had never fibbed.

King Dice had taken the time to notice. He saw the secret soft side nobody believed The Devil had. Giving the demon a new warm feeling in his chest.

"Shit, you're just as good at setting up tricky situations as I am. I don't know if I should be pissed off or proud of you.." The Devil purred thoughtfully.
"I think..." He carefully leaned his head to the side so he could nuzzle King's head. "It's a bit of're really something else King Dice."

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