Confused & Exhausted Chapter Seven

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Heavy pants lingered around the room as things finally calmed down.
King Dice had long since passed out in exhaustion for the second time that night. At least this time made sense.

Unlike Dice, The Devil was absolutely wired. He fed off the sins of the living so this little fling was like a rush of energy. " out cold?" He hummed curiously. Taking the total silence as an answer, he couldn't help but groan like an angry toddler. "Why do I have to clean up? I'm the boss! But..." Looking over Dice's peaceful sleeping features, he felt his heart skip a beat. "How am I supposed to wake an angel like you up? You're seriously pushing my fuckin' buttons, Dicey.

Needless to say The Devil was the who had cleaned up the mess they'd made. He had even gone as far as cleaning Dice's body. His methods will remain secret. As for the deep bite on Dice's shoulder...that was a problem for a conscious dice.

King Dice had been comfortably tucked into a silk blanket, on top of a heavenly mattress. This wasn't his bed obviously. The only person who'd have such a pricey bed was Devil. Man did that guy enjoy spending his money. A sleeping Dice wasn't about to complain about the lush bedding though.

Beside the knocked out dice, Devil was messing around with a deck of cards. Although he was 'all powerful', he still lacked some important skills. Card tricks. The Devil could make the earth shatter with a simple snap of his fingers...but he couldn't do a simple card trick.

"How the fuck do you do this? Dice does it with his damn eyes closed! Honestly, there has to be some kind of enchantment in these stupid things.." Pouting in defeat, Devil burned the cards with fire hot enough to even burn away ash. He could mess with the demon cards later...for now he had other things to worry about.
What would happen when King Dice woke up? Would he expect Devil to be his partner? Truth be told, that wasn't likely to happen.

The Devil had few rules in his casino, but the biggest one had to be dating staff. Relationships could mess up performance while on the floor.
Yet, for some odd reason, he had the massive urge to officially announce Dice as his own.
"Oh, I forgot..." Devil sighed into his hands. He had royally fucked up. "I didn't have any control! I just fucking marked him! That has never happened!" Hissing quietly, the demon got up from his bed.
"How am I going to explain this? I can't just brush him off like some quick fling...I'm an asshole but even I have standards." Devil didn't have the heart to stay close to his lackey at the moment. Guilt was eating him alive! Who would have thought the ruler of hell would actually feel bad for his actions? Even Devil was surprised by the foreign feelings.

"I don't wanna see him cry again...that has to be one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen! Watching him break down like that..." The Devil sighed softly as he made his way over to a red recliner chair next to his bed. "God dammit! Dice, I didn't sign up for this bullshit when I took your soul contract." Growling under his breath he looked over to the lump in his bed where Dice laid. The silken sheets moved up and down slowly, in sync with King's content breathing.

It felt odd for The Devil to actually put so much thought into anyone but himself. He knew he cared deeply for Dice, he'd even say he loved his company! But did that mean he could actually maintain a relationship?
"I would have to be really careful if I was with him. Going on dates probably wouldn't happen...people in the isle don't enjoy seeing me walk around. Leaving the casino does sound ni--" The Devil bit his tongue as he realized just how much thought he was putting into the subject.
What the hell was happening? Worrying about someone else, to the extent of actually upsetting him?? Something was definitely wrong with him. "Dice might not even want half the shit I'm worried about...what the fuck is wrong with me? I need to go blow off some steam." Huffing confidently, Devil summoned his mighty golden trident and went out onto the floor.

The large room went silent for a moment, as guests noticed the intimidating demon approaching some of the gamblers.
"I ain't here to bite anybody! Quit staring! Yes, The Devil is actually out on the floor. Everyone okay with that? Alrighty then." He answered his own question, honestly not giving a damn on people's answers.

Although the room had to adjust to Devil's ominous presence, it didn't take long for the crowd of guests to get back into their games.

He had forgotten just how entertaining it was to be amongst the crowd of gamblers. Devil loved hearing the sounds of excited patrons making stupid choices. He could have even gotten a couple of souls if he put some time into the games.

As the night ran on, Devil found himself playing poker with some of his underlings. It felt good to put his mind at ease for the night...kind of.

"S-Sir..?" A familiar eight ball nervously attempted to get Devil's attention.

"What'cha want Ball? I'm in the middle of a game, make this shit quick!" He responded harshly, not even bothering to look at his employee.

"I-I just wanted to if King Dice is alright...? He looked really upset earlier and--"

"King Dice's personal life is none of your fucking business. It's sweet that you care about him, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't distract him from work. My dice works hard." Devil snapped rudely. It wasn't until he noticed the shocked expressions at the poker table, that he realized what he had said.
"QUIT GAWKING!!" He roared defensively.
"Dice is mine, and so are all of you! Fucking weirdos...lookin' at me like I'm some perv!"

From that moment on, the night continued in a somewhat awkward but still fun atmosphere. Gambling with The Devil always added extra spice to a game~.


Woah this chapter is kinda short. Anyways, I do have plot planned! Things are gonna be somewhat angsty and also action packed! Also awkward romance eventually but I don't want to spoil anything!!

Butt secs is comin

Cracked Dice { The Devil X King Dice }Where stories live. Discover now