A Warm Feeling Chapter Eleven

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Devil had been interrupted by a pair of soft lips crashing against his own. The kiss was teeming with passion, quickly showing how much King Dice cared.

Dice decided to break the kiss a few seconds after it began in order to give a verbal response.
"I would like that very much. This is probably very hard for you, so I'm not expecting too much on your side of things. N-not to be rude of course!!! I'm just saying you...um..."

"Don't have to force myself?" The Devil finished Dice's sentence. Judging by his lackey's vigorous nod, it appeared he had hit the nail right on the head.
"You say you don't expect much...but I mean you could raise your standards a little bit!" The demon pouted childishly, his hands now on his hips.
"This won't be a relationship if I just sit in my office and do nothing...like usual. I might be inexperienced romantically, but that doesn't mean I won't try to make your heart melt in the palm of my hand~" Devil crooned teasingly. He looked very proud of himself.

King Dice's lips curled into a blissful smile thanks to his boss' words. "Aren't you full of surprises! I'll keep you to your word, Boss. I wish I could stick around and chat, but I think there might be a body by the blackjack table that I need to take care of. I'll talk to you later, Doll~" Dice hummed thoughtfully before walking to the office door. After a moment of silence a faint series of clicks resonated around the room.
"Thank you, for unlocking the doors. Take care for n--"
King Dice gasped as he felt a sharp sting against his shoulder.
"What was that!?" He exclaimed defensively.

"You're mine, remember? Show off my mark. I'll burn anything that hides it, that includes your suit, so don't go trying to hide it with your collar." The Devil growled possessively as he tossed the bandage into a nearby trash bin.

Dice wasn't thrilled about his new lover's demand, of course he'd still follow through. There might be a romantic bond between The Devil and him, but that didn't change the fact Devil was his boss and owner of his soul.
"I understand...j-just don't do anything rash in front of people! We don't need to make a scene." King stated sternly before leaving the office.

The Devil finally let out a heavy breath he'd been holding once Dice left the room. He didn't expect things to go that smoothly! Having someone to hold would be a nearly forgotten feeling...but he could learn to love it.
Thinking back on past events, he already found himself grinning.
"Dice can lay on me again, right? It was kind of boring, but seeing him so peaceful like that is worth it." Devil uttered to himself.

King Dice had made it back to the blackjack table just in time to see a frog wearing a boxing glove knock out Mr. Wheezy. The amphibian looked very pleased with himself as apparent bets were paid.
"Excuse me, sir? Who might you be?" Dice beckoned calmly.

"The name's Croaks, why ? You next or something? Bet I can knock that mustache right off your cubed face!" The frog laughed confidently, earning a few chuckles from other casino members.

King Dice kept a straight face but he was internally fuming. Did this frog have any clue who he just picked a fight with? This was about to get messy really damn fast.
"Mr.Croaks, I have to politely ask you to exit the premisses. This is just policy. Nothing personal." He stated firmly. Of course the damn frog wasn't having any part of it.

With on quick jab, Croaks punched Dice right in the nose. He expected a heated fight with some classy rich-kid...but he wasn't prepared to see a pair of ferocious green eyes staring him down like prey.

"Oh, you have done it now! He pissed off King Dice! Fight! Fight! Fight!!" A skeleton chanted enthusiastically.
They'd get to see a fight..but not with King Dice in it.

Before any further moves could be made, a blast of smoke sent Croaks flying back against a table with enough force to break it in two.
Shocked gasps came from the casino dwellers as a furious flaming Devil stormed onto the floor.

"Who punched him? It was the frog right? Oh-ho-ho, you've made a huge mistake bud! I'm going to rip you in ha--"

"P-Please don't hurt him!!" A similar looking frog stumbled over to his unconscious brother.
"H-He's stupid! I'm sorry! I'm his brother Ribby! We will leave and never come back! I swear!" He begged desperately.

The Devil had the biggest evil grin spread across his sharp teeth. A desperate and shaken target almost always guaranteed a soul contract.
"You can leave...but only if we make a little bet." Chuckling darkly he summoned a pair of dice.
"If you win, you get out, safe and sound. Fuck it! I'll even give you some cash! But if I win...I get to take your souls. Both of them. You're rolling for your life. If you choose not to play, I'll kill you both right here and now...So~?" The Devil held the dice out to the terrified frog.
"Do we have a deal?"

"Tch- like I have a fucking choice..." Ribby sighed in defeat, looking down at his brother who was finally waking back up.
"What's the rules? I'm not rolling until I know everything! I know better then to make a half-assed deal with The Devil." He added daringly.

"You win if you roll any set besides snake-eyes. No tricks from me, no magic, everything is as it seems." The Devil assured innocently, now forcing Ribby to take the dice.

Without any choice the frog rolled and--
The dice suddenly turned a bright green as they hit the floor.

"Snake eyes!! You lose! Your souls are mine!" The Devil cackled as a pair of glowing contracts appeared in his hands.

"You cheated! You used magic! That's against the rules! You're a dirty chea--"

"Woah, Woah, Woah! I didn't cheat! What kind of man do you take me for? I specifically said that I wouldn't use any magic or tricks. I never said King Dice wasn't allowed to meddle with you. Karma is a bitch, huh?" The Devil looked satisfied with his dirty deal..meanwhile King Dice still had his glowing green eyes locked onto Croaks.

"Get. Out. Now." Dice said in a shockingly aggressive tone.
Without much of a choice, and their souls lost, the frog brothers stumbled out of the casino doors.

"Dicey? You good? Did he break anything?" The Devil was the first to break the silence, completely ignoring the crowd as he nuzzled his head against King's shoulder.

A tensed sigh left Dice's lips as he glanced back at his boss. He was in fact not completely fine. He had the bloody nose of the century and his beloved mustache no longer looked neatly curled.
"I'll live...it hurts quite a lot but it's not a huge deal.." He uttered under his breath.

The Devil gave a defeated pout as his small display of affection was completely ignored. That wouldn't do.
Purring deviously, he carefully wrapped his arms around Dice's waist.
"Do you need me to kiss it better~? I technically can." He chuckled, satisfied by the crowds soft gasps and whispers.


There I finally did it!! Let me know if I should continue this fanfiction!
I plan on making a Gravity Falls thing as well with an OC of mine.
I know
OC inserts are gross but I can't help it!!

Cracked Dice { The Devil X King Dice }Where stories live. Discover now