I furrowed my brow, I was extremely confused. For one, wasn’t he supposed to be at school? And two, why did he want to talk? Actually, I knew the answer to the second question. I just hoped it wasn’t about that little kiss in my bedroom last night.

Still extremely confused, I texted back, “Sure.”

A few seconds later, he responded telling me he was going to pick me up in 5 minutes.

“Who was that texting you?” Scott asked.

“A friend. He’s coming to pick me up in like 5 minutes.” I immediately regretted saying that it was a boy knowing Scott would overreact.

“Who?” He asked in an over-protective tone.

“Not Jackson, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” I said in a very confident tone.

“Okay, good.” Just as he said that I heard a horn beep outside and I knew that Stiles was here. I looked over at Scott and he looked at me then dashed to the front door, opened it, then looked outside.

“Woah, woah You? and Stiles? You two have been acting weird around each other lately..”

“I don’t have time to talk about this, Mr. Detective! I have to go! I’ll be back in like 30 minutes!” I said while kissing him on the cheek and running up to Stiles’s old,blue jeep. I got in and Stiles leaned forward where Scott could see him and waved. Scott gave him a confused wave and returned inside.

“Hey.” I said in a small voice.

“Hey” He said back in a cool, confident tone.

“So what exactly are we doing?”

“Well we’re going somewhere to talk about some things..”

“Okay” was all I said back.

The car ride was silent and slighty awkward. Mainly due to the fact that every now and then Stiles would glance over at me then quickly look away.

Stiles pulled up to a park, and I chuckled to myself because it was cliché he’d bring me here to talk about whatever he wanted to talk about.

I opened my door and hopped out then walked to the front of his jeep where he was already standing. He looked at me then motioned for me to start walking with him and said, “C’mon!”

I giggled and walked beside him.

“So are we going to have this talk sometime today?” I said while smiling.

“If you insist.” He said while laughing.

“Anyways, I just wanted to apologize for um, what I did last night in your room. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you like that after what happened with Jackson. I never should have kissed you, I’m sorry.” He said really fast.

“It’s really no big deal, Stiles. We were caught up in the moment, I was vulnerable. It happens.” I said not actually believing what I said because it in fact WAS a big deal. He had been invading my every thought since the kiss. I had no idea if I had solid feelings for him right now but I knew one thing, that was a damn good kiss.

“Ok, good.” He said while trying to hide the hurt expression on his face.

We walked on the path through the park in silence for a couple minutes. Until I whispered, “Thank you for everything last night.”

“I did what anybody would have done. Taken care of a person who was hurt. Even if I did take it a little far”

“You’re missing what I’m saying! Thank you FOR EVERYTHING.”

“What in the world are you saying?”

“The kiss! I’m sorry but I can’t stand here and let you apologize for something that I enjoyed.” I said that and started running away.

“Woah, woah! Wait a minute!” Stiles said while grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

He pulled me to where we were facing each other and said, “You what?”

I blushed a little and saw him smile.

“Forget I said anything.” I said while smirking and starting to walk away.

He walked up beside me and linked his arm through mine while momentarily smiling at me. We started walking and talking, before we knew it we were laughing and goofing off like nothing happened.

As we neared the end of the path, Stiles said, “You want me to take you home?”

I nodded my head and we both got into his jeep. I turned the radio on and rolled the windows down. I shook my hair out as we started speeding down the street. I started to dance a little to the song that was playing on the radio and I could see Stiles dying of laughter beside me.

The song ended and I composed myself then turned the radio down a little bit. I looked over and Stiles and he smiled then shook his head.

“Not even going to comment on what just happened.” He said sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at him then turned around in my seat. I had my arm on the armrest when I felt something warm curl around my hand. I looked down and saw Stiles was holding my hand. I looked at him and saw he was completely focused on the road. My heart started fluttering and I  turned my attention to the road in front of us.

Soon enough, we were at my house. We sat there parked in my driveway, with our hands intertwined.

“Um..well..I’ll just go inside now.” I said awkwardly.

“Hey. Don’t mention anything to Scott.” He said while winking.


Hey everyone! Just incase you got confused at the beginning IT WAS A DREAM. Just clearing up some confusion that might come! 

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