Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The buzzer sounded, announcing the end of the 3rd Quarter. We had one quarter left. I bounded off court and took a deep swig of my water. After Coach spoke to us we waited for the buzzer.

Where was Ruby though?

I looked over and found her standing by the side of the court, near the hallway.

I grinned and ran over to her.

"Hey baby," I greeted as I lifted her up and kissed her, spinning us around.

"Hey," she said with a worried expression.

I frowned, "What's wrong?"

"What? Oh, nothing," she replied.

I was not convinced.

"No tell me," I urged.

"Just go out and finish the game," she told me as she gently pressed her hands against my chest.

"No, please tell me."

"This is your big night, go out and enjoy it."

"I can't enjoy it unless you tell me what's wrong."

She looked up at me, heartbroken, she chewed on her lip and looked like she was going to cry.

"Come on what's wrong?" I asked as I stroked her cheek.

Her hazel eyes filled with fear and worry and she looked like she was about to break. She fiddled with her long hair as she looked at me.

"Okay I, uh, alright, I uh I'm..." She trailed off.

Then she abruptly stood up straight and stopped playing with her hair.

"I-I'm late."

"Late? Late for what?" I asked with a confused smile.

"Liam, I'm late."

I looked at her, late? Late? What did she mean--

Oh my God.

"I didn't want to tell you until after the game. I'm so sorry," she said almost crying.

I couldn't think, my heart was pounding in my heart so fast I could've sworn it was about to explode.

"Are I mean are you sure? Are you...?" I managed to ask.

She nodded, "I took the test, twice. It came up with the same result both times."

The buzzer sounded. I stared at her and then I slowly turned away and ran my hands through my hair. Oh my God. What was I going to do?

It was one time. One time without it. Oh my God.

"Hey are you okay man?" Zayn asked me, concerned.

I looked at him but didn't say anything.

"Payne, you're start!" Harry called.

He threw me the ball. I managed to catch it and just looked at it.

"Come on Payne!" Louis yelled.




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I really wish that wattpad would let me update this chapter hint hint wattpad come on man woman bot

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