•Chapter 16: Safe & Sound•

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Your POV
After they arrested Brennen and Kathrine, I was rushed to the hospital for how bad my injuries were and because I had been sweating so much I was starting to get dehydrated. We arrived at the hospital and they took me out of the ambulance and rushed into the hospital, they quickly got a doctor to look at me then I got quite a few stitches. After that I was out in a room and hooked up to an IV, everyone from the house filed into my room. I smiled, "thank you guys for saving me, I owe you my life."

"Anything for an amazing friend," Jake said.

"You're my best friend how could I not want to save you?" Colby asked with a smile.

We all talked for a couple hours until it got late and mostly everyone left except Colby, Sam, and Kat.

"So, what happened that night?" Kat asked.

"Well I came down stairs and saw you guys were gone so I locked the front door then sat on the couch, after a few minutes I heard a gun cock and the only person I could think of was Kathrine. She's the girl who kidnapped me in the first place," I explained.

Colby had this worried face but tried to not make me notice but that's hard to do when you already know about them, it truly made me sad that he didn't trust me but not much I could do.

"Wow, that's scary! I'm just glad you're ok," Sam smiled.

"Yeah, I'm just glad to have made awesome friends like you guys," I smiled.

We all hung out for another hour or two until Sam and Kat left, leaving Colby and I alone.

"(Y/n) I gotta tell you-," he started but I cut him off.

"I already know, she told me. Why didn't you ever tell me? I wouldn't have been mad and right now I feel disappointed and kinda betrayed that you don't trust me enough to tell me," I said playing with my fingers.

"I didn't want you to freak out or think that just because she said things about you that I thought the were actually true, I mean I did but that was before she showed her true colors to me. I'm sorry, (y/n), I didn't mean to hurt you, I just also thought nothing of it at the time," he explained.

"It's ok, you didn't really know me at the time but I still wish you would've at least told me after we became best friends. This isn't gonna make me love you any less than I already do, Colby, you're my best friend! You know too much for me to let you go," I laughed.

Colby laughed and smiled, "Well there's something else I'd like to talk about."

"What's that?" I asked worried.

"Well you see, (y/n), I kept denying it from the start because I didn't want to believe it but-," Colby said but got interrupted by his voice?

"Wake up, (y/n), god dammit wake up!" he yelled.

I stared at the Colby in front of me, he had a horrified face and I felt as though I was going to throw up. This was my imagination, I should've known from the start by the way he talked to me so smoothly and by the way I didn't feel no pain when I woke up. I should've known because the real Colby Brock isn't in love with me, he's in love with Makayla. I shook my head as tears started to fall down my cheeks, how could I have been so stupid?

"You're not real, the real Colby Brock isn't in love with me. He's in love with Makayla and he wouldn't of stayed with me at a hospital, he'd leave to see Makayla," I croaked out.

The fake Colby's face contorted into anger and he stood up so fast the chair he was in slammed against the wall. His breath started getting heavier as the more angry he became, he grabbed a vase of flowers that were next to me and slammed them against the wall and then kicked the chair to the other side of the room. He then turned to face me, "why can't you see that it's me, Colby?"

"You aren't him," I said slightly raising my voice.

"Yes I am! I love you and you know it, I know what has happened to you in the past and I know about the-," he started raising his voice as well.

"No you're not! Colby wouldn't ever dare to get mad at me, I'm his best friend and what happened that night was a mistake  and if I could take it back I really would, you only know those things because you're in my head. You're a figment of my imagination and nothing more, you're not real! My Colby wouldn't put me in the position to get my feelings all fucked up, we're just friends and that's all we'll ever be!" I screamed with tears rolling down my face.

"There is no escape from me and when you come back, I'll make your life hell. I'll be the Colby you never imagined he could be," he said in a deep, sort of demonic tone.

He started briskly walking to me with his hand raised so he grab my neck, the sound of everyone in the houses voices becoming louder. He was about a foot away from me when I dropped to my knees and started screaming, then in the blink of an eye I felt my back against a very uncomfortable bed and pain shot through my back. I felt someone's hand in mine, I desperately wanted to open my eyes but couldn't.

"Please wake up, (y/n), we need you here," I heard Kat cry.

I felt the hand squeeze mine and knew it had to be hers, since I couldn't quite open my eyes I just squeezed her hand. I felt her jump a little and start shaking, "(y/n) I know you can't open your eyes right now because you're to weak to but if you can hear me please squeeze my hand again."

I did and I heard her laugh and cry, "oh my god, I'm so glad you're ok! Hold on I'll be right back."

She let go of my hand and I heard her leave the room.

Kat's POV

I felt so relieved that she was ok! I felt the tears falling as I went to the waiting room, the doctors didn't care how many people were in the room and everyone said they'd wait to see her but I didn't want her waking up all alone. I swiftly made my way down the hallway till I got to the waiting room where I basically tackled open the door.

"Yo, guys she's awake! Come on!" I said excitedly.


Hey guys, I hoped you liked! Please let me know what you think, sorry I've been busy all day but I hope this appeases you haha.

Love, Katie❤️

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