•Chapter 9: The Weekend•

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Your POV
The next few days after that weren't very eventful, all that really happened was I prerecorded a video and already edited it so it would be easier to post it on Monday. I'm so glad today was Friday, I mean I get to see Colby all weekend.

When we hung out on the weekends he would always stay the night the whole weekend and it was always a blast, I mean he basically lived here. I just hope today's not awkward, maybe we can go do something fun. I smiled and went to make some toaster strudels because I was hungry. After I ate the toaster strudels I hopped in the shower so I wouldn't feel so gross.

I hopped out and heard a knock on my door, I wrapped myself with my towel and went to answer the door to reveal Colby standing there, I smiled and let him in.

"Hey, hows your week been?" I asked.

I walked over to my couch where my clothes were as Colby closed and locked the door behind him. He walked over to the living room and sat down on the other couch, watching me, "it's been pretty ok, just been filming with the roommates ya'know?"

"Oh fun, do anything crazy?" I asked.

I let my towel fall to ground, nothing he hasn't already seen plus he's my best friend I trust him enough. I pulled on my underwear and put on a bralet, then I started looking for my black leggings, "just went to some abandoned places, the usual. What about you?"

Colby stuttered and it was kinda funny, "nothing much, went and saw Gabbie before she went on tour and then prerecorded a video and edited it so it'll be ready to upload on Monday."

I pulled out my leggings and fixed the legs so they would go on the right way, then I pulled them on. I grabbed my olive green tank top and slipped it on, I started to fold up my laundry so I could put it away.

"Oh dang, you go girl! What's the video about?" He asked while his eyes were on his phone.

It sucks, I've liked Colby even before we met and now we can only be friends, I mean I got to smash him and all but I wanted to be able to call him mine. What happened the other night was a mistake and if I could never make it happen I would because now I'm more attached to him then I should be, more attached then a friend should be. Telling myself that we're only friends made my heart ache a little but I'd never let him know how I feel because it'd probably ruin everything we have so I guess for right now we'll just go with the flow of things and what happens, happens.

"Just a story time about my shitty childhood, more so about my mom," I explained.

"Oh? Would you tell me or do I have to watch the video?" He asked.

"I mean which do you think will be easier?" I asked.

He laughed, that laugh was cute. I smiled, "I mean the video would be but I wanna hear it from you without the editing."

"Well, my mom hasn't been the best mom and she's done some fucked up shit. I remember this one time , which is the most fucked up thing she's done, I don't know why she did it but when I was little so about five or six years old. My mom was been shooting up and was helping my dad shoot up too, well my dad got into the drivers seat while my mom was in the passenger seat and started to take me to my grandmas for the weekend. They never really liked me around, or my mom didn't," I took a deep breath trying not to cry.

"On our way there the car started to swerve a little which concerned my mom some but she didn't say anything," my voice cracked," after a minute or two the car started swerving all over the road and then we crashed into a pole. Turns out my mom had purposely giving my dad a bigger dose of heroine then he usually did because she wanted to make him 'feel higher' since I guess he'd been saying something about not feeling very high on it. So basically my mom made my dad OD and he died in front of me when I was five or six years old."

I sniffled a little and looked at the ground, "I miss him so much, I remember him telling me that I was his little princess and that even though his life and mine were really fucked up a the moment that he'd always love me even if he didn't show it at times. My mom never liked me."

I heard Colby stand up and come hug me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest. We stood like that in silence for a few minutes the only sound being me crying. Colby brushed my hair with his fingers to calm me down. After I did we pulled apart, he put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him.

"(Y/n), you're a beautiful woman and you're so brave and strong going through what you did. I'm sure your dad would be so proud of you right now, seeing how smart, loving and caring you've become. I'm sure he'd watch your videos smiling and telling his friends 'that's my daughter'. I'm sure he'd love to see his little baby all grown up and taking care of herself," Colby said.

I smiled and laughed, " Yeah, I'm sure he would. I'm sure he would be better and recovering and getting his life together. I'm sure he would've loved to be at my graduation and I'm sure he would've loved to see his future grandchildren and future son in law."

I laughed some more, "not that I'd be getting married or having kids anytime soon."

He laughed too, "Yeah, me either."

We pulled away and started talking on a lighter note, he followed me up to my room so I could put away my clothes.

"So you doing anything fun for videos soon?" I asked, getting on my tippy toes so I could put some sheets in my closet.

"Elton, Heath, Sam, and I are going to Egypt in two weeks" he said.

"That sounds fun, how long you gonna be gone?" I asked.

"A month," he replied.

I turned and looked at him, he was focused on his phone. I lightly sighed and felt my heart ache as the sadness took over me.

"Oh," I said quietly.

Colby didn't answer and all I heard was the sound of his keyboard making little tapping sounds as he typed. I don't know who he was talking to but all I knew was they were his first priority, first everything. Anyone Colby was talking to on his phone was always more important than the people he hung out with in person.

I hung up the last shirt then fell back onto my bed, I grabbed my phone and started reading on it. I was being ignored by him like usual so why not?

I continued to read but was now laying down on my side of the bed under the covers. Colby got on the other side and we just sat there on our phones in silence, I was reading a fan-fiction about Colby being the readers boyfriend.

I soon found myself fighting to keep my eyes open, I put my phone on the charger and turned it off. I got comfortable and passed out.
Hope you guys enjoyed, let me know what you think. Might take a couple days till I come out with chapter 10 because I wanna usually have chapters pre-written so I can write new ones and not have to worry about it.

Love Katie❤️

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