•Chapter 11: The Pier•

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Your POV
I went upstairs so I could take a shower, I'm so excited! I mean you only take people to the pier if you're going on a date so this is like a date, yeah? Oh well, I'm still gonna dress up nice also because he'll be clogging while we're there. I went into my room and grabbed light blue skinny jeans and a loose T-shirt with a jacket, I grabbed my gray vans then went into my bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and then made sure I had everything I needed before I got in.

"Shit," I mumbled.

I didn't have my towel and I'm butt naked, I blushed and realized I'd have to grab a towel and hopefully not have Colby see me. I opened the door and walked into my bedroom, I mean I don't care if he sees 'cause I mean he's seen all of me before but it's still a little uncomfortable. I grabbed my towel off my closet and went back to the bathroom, I stepped into the shower and felt the warm water fall down my body, it felt amazing. I washed my hair and face then I moved on to wash my body, I noticed the bottle looked all funky and laughed.

"Hey, Colby?" I yelled.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and then the bathroom door open, I saw his head pop in.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

I laughed, "did you use my body wash this morning?"

"Yeah but it smells good so can you blame me?" He shrugged.

I just laughed as he left, I finished up with my shower and hopped out then wrapped my self in my towel. I walked over to my room and started looking for something nice to wear, I found a gray tank top and some faded blue shorts. I put them on and also grabbed a black jacket since we were most likely gonna be out all day today. I grabbed my phone off my bed and went back to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and hair then put on deodorant and perfume. I put on some mascara and chapstick then went downstairs, Colby was sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. I grabbed a pair of converse then went and sat down next to Colby so I could put them on, I put on some socks that were nice and squishy.

"So you ready to go?" I asked.

I got no response and huffed a little, why can't he get off his phone and listen? I got up and grabbed my purse and keys.

"I guess not but I'm going to the store or gonna go do something," I mumbled.

I walked out the door and closed it behind me, I locked it and headed down to my car. I unlocked it and got in, I hooked my phone up to it and started playing music. I didn't get ready for nothing, I was gonna go do something fun because honestly I don't spoil myself very often.

I headed to the pier because there was games, rides, and I'd probably see a friend or two there. I stopped by the store and got a couple sodas and a snack just so I didn't have to spend a ridiculous amount of money when I got there but also because I'm hungry as fuck.

After about an hour and half later I arrived to the pier, I parked and grabbed my purse, soda, camera, and phone. I closed and locked the door, I opened my camera and started filming.

"Hey what's up you guys, welcome back to my channel! If you're new here I'm (y/n) (l/n) and we are at the pier today. I know I don't ever really vlog but today I decided to spoil myself since I don't do that very often, so let's go and see what fun things they have going on and what friends we'll find," I said.

I stopped recording and headed in, the breeze that softly came in and felt nice as the smell of the ocean filled my nose.

Colby's POV
I sat on my phone talking to this girl named Makayla, she was really cute and seemed to have a wonderful personality. I sat there and texted her for a few hours, she's amazing! I think I'll ask her on a date so we get to hang out a little bit in person.

Colby: Hey you wanna go on a date? Like on Wednesday or whenever you're free? :).

Makayla: Yeah, sure! Sounds like a blast, where are we gonna go and at what time?

Colby: The pier, there's lots of fun things to do there and I'll pick you up at around 4 or 5?

Makayla: Ok sounds good! Do you need my address? Or do you wanna pick me up somewhere else?

Colby: I'll need your address, wouldn't be very gentlemanly if I made you drive somewhere just to get picked up, yeah?

Makayla: Yeah haha, well I live at 9376 on Sunshine Ln.

Colby: Ok, cool I'll see you then :).

Makayla: Alrighty then sounds like a plan, I've got to go to work but I'll talk to you after ;).

Colby: Ok, have a good day at work, talk to you later ;).

I sent the text and put my phone down, I looked at the time and realized I'd been talking to this girl for four hours. I totally forgot about the plans I had with (y/n), I hope she's somewhere near here so we can still do something.

I called her phone a couple times and got no answer, I decided to text her since she'll be more likely to see that.

Colby: Hey, (y/n), I'm so sorry about basically ditching you and our plans today! I got so caught up with talking to this girl, Makayla, I hope you're still near here so we can still hangout.

(Y/n): It's whatever, I'm on my way home from the pier with Sam and Kat, they got an Uber out here and I offered them a ride back to my place, we'll be back in 30 minutes. We'll find something to do tonight.

Colby: Ok, and again I'm sorry.

(Y/n): You're fine, don't be sorry.

I turned off my phone and went to the kitchen, I made some pancakes and put lots of syrup on them since the syrup soaks up really quickly. I grabbed something to drink and went back over to the couch and began munching down on my food. I turned on American Dad so I wouldn't be bored while I ate because trying to eat pancakes soaked with syrup and play on the phone is very difficult.
Hope you guys enjoyed, let me know what you think.
Love, Katie❤️

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