•Chapter 7: Thank God•

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Your POV
I parked in the CVS parking lot and just sat there breathing. My mind is going everywhere, I don't know what to think this is also crazy and also sudden. Though I had a very strong feeling that I was not pregnant but then again you just never know.

I got out of my car and locked it. Then I made my way to the store. I got in and walk to the aisle with the pregnancy tests and Plan B. I grabbed two different digital pregnancy tests and a bottle of Plan B. I then grabbed a bag of chips and made my way to the cashier.

As I set my stuff down she made a face at me, like she was disgusted. I rolled my eyes, get over it I'm paying you so you can afford to live, grow up. I paid the amount due, grabbed my stuff and made my way out the store. I unlocked my car, sat in the driver seat and put the bag in the passenger seat. I took a deep breath then put my seatbelt on, started the car and headed back home.

As I parked in my parking spot I got a text. I click the home button to see who sent it and saw was Colby. I mean if I was him I'd be worried sick too but I ignored it and grabbed the bag, my phone, my purse, and my keys.

I locked my car then I made my way to the elevator. I push the button for my floor and waited a few seconds until I was there. I walked out and got to my apartment, I unlocked it quickly and got inside. I locked the door behind me and kicked off my shoes. I took a couple deep breath's, hoping I was not pregnant and if I am I'm going to be terrified.

Before I got started on taking a pregnancy tests I opened the message from Colby just trying to stall as long as I could.

Colby: Have you taken the tests yet? Are you even home yet? I'll be there in 10 minutes be ready. (6 minutes ago)

(Y/n): I just got home from getting them, and ok just let me know when you're here because the doors locked. I'm scared.

I waited a few minutes and then got a text, I didn't even have to like to know it was him. I basically ran across my apartment to the door and unlocked it, upon opening it I saw Colby standing there. I moved aside to let him in then lock the door behind him. This is the shitty apartment place, can't be too careful with people here.

I walked to the kitchen to start drinking some soda, or should I say chugging. I just needed something to make me go pee so I can find out if I fucked up or not. Colby just looked at me and sighed heavily.

Neither of us spoke, plus sat there for a good 10 minutes just chugging down soda. Then I went and sat on the couch and waited until I needed it to pee, I sat on my phone to avoid eye contact with him. After good 20 minutes I finally had to go pee. I gave him a nervous smile and walked into the bathroom.

I am package the two different digital pregnancy tests and got them ready. I ended up peeing in a cup because there is no way I'd be able to pee on both of them. I set the cup on the counter and pulled out my underwear and pants and flushed. I stuck the tip of both pregnancy tests in to the cup and waited for it to soak up a bit. Then I put the caps back on, set them on the counter and left the bathroom.

" We got to wait a few minutes until it'll tell us," I basically whispered.

I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone. Colby sat on the opposite end and copied me. Nothing but silence surrounded us as the anticipation grew.

After about five minutes, I put my phone away and looked it Colby, "it's time to find out."

I couldn't even look at him, I felt like such a disappointment. I mean I barely even knew the kid and here we are in this predicament a month and a half into our friendship which I'm 100% sure it's done with.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, Colby trailing behind me. I picked about the pregnancy tests and look at them. I almost wanted to cry I was so happy, I wasn't pregnant. I looked it Colby and a big smile grew on my face.

"Not pregnant," I said throwing away the tests.

"Oh thank god," he said holding his phone to his chest.

We stood there in silence but a good silence nonetheless. I walked past him and to the kitchen, I grabbed a burrito and put it in the microwave. I grab my phone and check the time it was 12:00 PM.

Colby and I awkwardly said our goodbyes to each other as he left my apartment. I wouldn't be seeing him till this upcoming weekend. As I waited for my burrito, I got my camera and set it up.

"Hey guys, it's (y/n) here and the video you're going to watch is me and Colby drunk and making brownies last night. I hope you enjoy," I said turning off my camera.

I had already seen the video of us making them, so decided why not make it a video since it was already filmed. I grabbed my laptop and began to edit. After a minute or two the microwave went off and I got my boot on set on the couch with my computer and it. Set the editing for a good hour to since the video wasn't very long it wasn't hard to edit.

I added my little intro screen and my outro screen and then uploaded. Now that that was done it was time to clean my apartment. I start with the downstairs which only took about half an hour, then came upstairs which me an hour and a half maybe even two hours think.

I huffed, I went to take a shower, I got to the bathroom and started to strip out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower and felt the warm water run down my back. I cleaned myself up then put in some pj's, which consisted of sweatpants and a hoodie with nice thick socks.
Hope you guys enjoyed. Let me know what you think.

Love, Katie❤️

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