•Chapter 12: Making It Up•

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Your POV
Kat sat in the front seat while Sam sat in the back, Kat and I were laughing and singing to Grind On Me by Pretty Ricky. We were about 30 minutes away from my place and I had just gotten done texting Colby, I took a few turns until we made it back to where everything looked very familiar. After a few more minutes pulled into my apartment parking lot, I found my space and parked then turned off my car. I unplugged my phone, grabbed my purse and camera then got out and locked the car. We all walked up the stairs, Sam and Kat ahead of me talking about something but we made it to my apartment. I got in front of them and unlocked the door and walked in, I took off my shoes and headed to the living room where Colby was watching American Dad.

"Hey, we're back," I said, plopping down on the other couch.

"Hey guys, hope you all had fun," he said.

Sam and Kat sat on the same couch as me. They got comfortable as did I, it was so much fun but so tiring.

"Yeah it was, you should've been there they had a cool firework show! It was so beautiful," Kat said.

Sam nodded, "Yeah and the sunset was amazing."

"Oh definitely, it was so much fun but so tiring at the same time," I laughed.

The three of them talked as I went up stairs, I went into the bathroom and went pee then I threw my hair into a bun and went back downstairs. They were all having a good time, I decided to head to the kitchen so they could hang out and have a good time. I took a deep breathe trying not to cry, he's already talking to another girl, Makayla. This completely eats ass having feelings for someone and they'll never know which makes you have to suffer watching someone else make them happy, but as long as he's happy then so am I.

I hopped up on the counter and chilled on my phone for a little until they came into the kitchen.

"What'cha doing in here?" Sam asked.

"I saw you guys having fun talking and what not and figured I wouldn't bother you guys and just come in here for a little," I explained.

"You could never bother us! You're our friend and we care about you a lot, you're my best friend and just because we're having fun talking with each other doesn't mean we won't when we talk to you," Kat said.

I smiled and laughed, "awe you guys mean the world to me honestly and I know we haven't known each other for very long but you guys were so nice to me and I couldn't be happier."

They all smiled and we went to the living room and talked and laughed for a while.

"Hey, you guys wanna go out to eat?" Colby asked.

"Yeah, sure," Sam said.

Kat and I nodded, we all got up and put on our shoes. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys then we were on our way. I sat in front with Colby while Sam and Kat sat in the back with each other. Kat our on a sing it was A Team by Ed Sheeran, Kat and I were singing to it as the boys smiled.

"White lips, pale face breathing in the snow flakes. Burnt lungs, sour taste. Light's gone, day's end struggling to pay rent. Long nights, strange men," we sang in unison.

We snapped our fingers to the beat, I swayed back and forth a little bit. The boys both joined in.

"And they say she's in the class A team. Stuck in her daydream, been this way since eighteen but lately her face seems. Slowly sinking, wasting, crumbling like pastries and they scream the worst things in life come free to us," we all sang, smiling.

After a few more minutes we arrived at a really nice restaurant, it almost seemed too fancy but we headed inside. The waiter seated us and gave us menus, we found what we wanted and closed our menus and talked. I sipped on my water as they talked about videos and funny ideas for things to do, I looked out the window and looked at the sunset. Such beautiful colors all the time, I looked down into the parking lot and saw a single dad and his little girl they walked towards the restaurant well she was skipping but still. I weakly smiled to myself, if only that had been my dad and I that would be amazing.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to look at Kat, "the waiters on her way over."

I nodded and looked at what I wanted again because I had forgotten, the waiter was finally here. She asked us what we all wanted and then looked at Colby and winked, that's not ok boo I mean I may not be his but he's talking to this girl he's really into so ya'know. I mean not that she would know ugh I don't even know why I care. I looked over at Colby and saw him grimace a little, I wanted to laugh but refrained from doing so and just smiled in amusement.

I turned and looked outside again, all the people running around doing things, all the bars opening up and all the parents carrying their tiny tired children as they held hands and went home. LA is so beautiful and full of a bunch of crazy things, it's amazing and it still amazes me that I found a place out here that I can afford.

After a while of staring out the window the waiter came back and put our food on the table then walked away. Colby pulled out a piece of paper from under his plate and read it then made a very confused and grossed out face.

"She gave me her number, what the hell," he said.

Sam and Kat laughed as I ate my food quietly, the three of them continued to talk and laugh as I sat there quiet. I feel like they don't even know I'm here, I mean I know they do but it's like I don't matter. I mean I do to them but I don't know, I just need to go home and sleep it off.

After we were done eating they all wanted to go run around for a little and I silently agreed as we walked down the street, Sam and Kat were in the front and Colby was in front of me. I was walking and looking at my phone then I got a phone call, "oh shit."
Hope you guys liked, please let me know what you think. Sorry it took me a little longer to upload this chapter, might take me awhile to upload tomorrow's chapter too.
Love, Katie❤️

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