•Chapter 15: Insult To Injury•

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Your POV
It feels like it's been days since I've been in here, maybe it has but I can't tell. I felt dizzy and nauseous, I had slept a few times but only got and hour or two of sleep just to get woken up to being beaten. I leaned my head against the pillar behind me and took a couple deep, shaky, breaths to relax myself. I heard the door open and quickly looked over to see Kathrine and Brennen come in, I put my head towards my chest and listened to them walk over to me.

I heard them slid chairs against the ground and cringed, they sat down in front of me, their feet in my view. I huffed as I continued I stare at the floor, "sit up."

I did as told but stared between them and at the wall behind them, I felt so out of it and I'm fucking starving. My mind was blurry and all I could do was stare off into space, listening to people seemed like the hardest task to do.

"Do you know why you're here? Or why we're doing this?" Kathrine asked.

"No," I said in a monotone voice.

"You don't have an idea?" She asked.

"Not other then him beating me because of something that happened that was out of my control," I answered.

Brennen went to stand up and slap me but Katherine put her hand on his chest, sighing she looked me in the eyes, "Do you know why I have you here?"

"No, I got you out of my life years ago! I don't understand what you want," I almost sobbed out.

Brennen stood up and slammed the chair on the ground then left the room, Katherine rubbed her eyes and I could tell she was trying to stay calm with me.

"Do you remember the day you and Colby met?" She asked.

"How could I forget?" I answered.

Colby's POV
I woke up and sighed, gripping onto the jacket, sitting up then stood up. I changed into some clean clothes then put on the jacket and headed downstairs, I went into the kitchen and made a little bit of food then went out back.

I took a deep breath and munched on my food, I hope we can find (y/n) soon, I miss her and the way she'd try not to wake me up in the middle of the night but the moment I didn't feel her warmth I'd wake up. I think I'm in love with her and I think I've just been denying it this whole time, I didn't wanna think it was true but she's the only girl I've spent so much time with and she's my best friend! How could I have been so blind, oh god what am I gonna do with Makayla?

I went back inside and headed towards Sam's room, I knocked on his door and heard him say 'come in'. I went in and sat on his bed then he turned around to face me, "you ok, Colby? You look really stressed out."

"No I'm not, I want (y/n) to be ok! I want her in my arms, I never realized it before, Sam, but I'm in love with her," I sobbed, putting my face in my hands.

Sam got out of his chair and sat next to me, he rubbed my shoulders and tried to calm me down, "it's gonna be ok, Colby, I promise. (Y/n) is not one to give up easy and you of all people should know that, I know you're in love with her it's pretty obvious but you gotta stay positive! Do you maybe have any idea who took her?"

"You'd better be right, I know she's not but you never know man. Has it really been that obvious? Only person I could think of would be the last person who called her, she really didn't want to answer the phone for them or it could be-" I said then quickly realized, " Brennen, it's got to be Brennen!"

"Let's go find his truck then," Sam said, I nodded and headed to my room.

I slipped on a pair of shoes, grabbed my phone and headed down stairs where I found Sam talking to everyone, "alright guys, we think that Brennen may have taken (y/n). We need to look for his car, if you find it then call anyone so we can all meet up and save (y/n)."

They all nodded and got ready to go, Sam turned to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "call the police and tell them about (y/n)'s case and tell them you know who took her."

"Ok," I answered and called.

Your POV
I sat there and stared at the floor, Kathrine's story running through my mind. Colby and Katherine had broken up that day and that's why he was so pissed off, he told me he didn't know why he was but now I get it, he hated me because of the things she'd told him. That day she was there and watched us make our videos, Kathrine was taking her things out of the extra room because she used to basically live there.

I can't believe Colby would lie to me like that, he's my best friend why wouldn't he tell me? I felt tears spill out onto my cheeks, I heard the door open and saw Brennen wall in. He sat in front of me and rubbed his hands on his jeans, his leg was bouncing and he took a deep breath.

"Look I'm sorry, you're a grown ass woman and you can choose who you do and don't wanna be with even if it is or isn't in your control. I don't know what I was thinking, I mean all of this isn't ok women shouldn't be treated like this, you're human too. I'm so sorry," he put his face in his hands.

"You're sorry? Sorry for what, beating me? Torturing me? Fucking belittling me? Fuck you Brennen you're no better than any man that's ever been in my life, at least Colby has respect for my decisions because at least he understands that this is my life and no one else's! I mean you're really gonna do this because I didn't wanna be with you and all that ended up happening? Did you even think for one fucking second I regret what happened?! I love that boy so much but in the end we're just friends and what I do with my personal time is not your business! And after all you've done to me you're just gonna say you're sorry like everything's gonna be fine? Fuck you asshole," I yelled at him, all my angry and hatred coming out.

He sat there stunned, but listened and cried, "The whole point of me moving out here to LA was to get away from assholes like you, after I get outta here if I ever see you I will fucking burn you! Do you understand me?"

Brennen nodded and wiped his tears, then the metal door bursted open and police men came in with their guns up.

"Police! Get down!" They yelled.

Brennen put his hands up on his head and got down, I saw Colby and them come in and I started crying. A few police men ran over and arrested Brennen while another one come over to me with Colby and them and untied me, I stood up and hugged Colby and sobbed into his shoulder.
Hope you guys enjoyed! Please let me know what you think. Sorry I haven't uploaded, I started school again and was busy making up home work but I'll try to push out two more chapters today but no promises.
Love, Katie ❤️

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