Chapter Thirty-Nine

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My little brother Ian Campbell, is finally one. He's a walking baby now, he can't really talk yet. His birthday was January 2nd, and mines were January 10th. His dad and our mom thought that it was a good idea to merge our birthdays together. Our family and friends had so much fun at Disney World. My mom surprised me with a car.


January 17th, 2020

I forgot my books in my gym locker and so I went back to go get it.

"Ohhh found us a Treasure."

I turned around.

"Oh hi Kamiya." I said

I grabbed my books.

"Shut up bitch." Kamiya said


"Yeah, you heard right. I said shut up, bitch."

"Well, that's not very nice Miya."

"What you did wasn't nice." Jessica said

I shook my head. Daisy turned the shower water on.

"Throw her in there." Daisy said

"Don't touch me."

Kamiya yanked my arm.

"WHAT!? Kamiya, I thought we were friends."

"You really thought I was friends with you? I was just using you, now that Collin has a girlfriend I don't need you anymore."

Kamiya pushed me in the shower. It's so cold.

"Please let me out."


I screamed.

"Stop denying what happened at camp."

"I'm so sorry Miya. Please let me out It's so cold!"

"I don't care."

"HEY! WHO'S IN HERE!?" Ms. Carter yelled

The girls ran before Ms. Carter could see them.


She opened the shower door.

"What are you doing here?"

I couldn't speak, it's too cold to talk. I ran to the girl's bathroom. I tried to dry off with the hand dryer but it didn't work. I had no choice but to walk outside. Collin and Chase are out here.

"Woah Bella your all wet." Chase said

"Yeah, what happened?" Collin asked

"Come on let's go." Collin stated


"To my car, I'm taking you home."


"I have my license Bella, come on."

"What about me?" Chase asked

"Go to football practice dude."

Once we got inside his car he blasted the heat.

"Oh, I forgot..." I started to say.

"Forgot what?"

"I was going to ask Layla if I could go over her house. Because my mom gets off late."

"Layla is celebrating her niece's birthday."


"You can come to my house."

I closed my eyes.

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