Chapter Twenty-One

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Today Mrs. Kink yelled at me for turning my work in early. I've had it with her I'm so done. I yelled at her back and I told HER she should be ashamed of herself.

Principles office:

"You did what!?" Mom asked

"Mom this lady has been harassing me since the first day of school. I haven't done anything wrong but try to be a respectful student."

"Not true." Mrs. Kink said

"Let my daughter speak."

"Mom you have to believe me."

"I do baby, she was a mean teacher to me too. Excuse Principal James but I think you need to do something about your teachers."

"And I will."

"Seriously?" I asked

"But boss I didn't..."

"I don't want to hear it, this isn't the first complaint about you."

"What?" Mrs. Kink asked

"Yes, either you treat your student with respect or... you're fired. You may go to class Isabella and if you have any more problems, don't be afraid to tell me."

"Okay thank you, Principal James."


Mrs. Kink and I were walking down the hallway together, it's pretty awkward.

"Before you go in the classroom can we talk?"


"I just want to apologize, as an adult, I shouldn't have treated you like an animal. I'm having problems at home and I just get so mad."

"It's okay Mrs. Kink, but you shouldn't bring your problems to the school."

"That's true and I'm very sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"For what? You're a great student."

"For lashing out on you, my dad would be so disappointed."

"Oh, no worries but I picked on you specifically because..."

"I'm an easy target?"

She shook her head in disappointment.

"Well, maybe you should take therapy."

"I'll think about it, now, get to class young lady."

We smiled and walked into the class.

"Alright class sorry I'm late."

"She's back?" Kamiya asked

"Yeah, she is but that's none of your concern Kamiya."

After class, I went to the water fountain. I looked to my right and Kamiya and her minions were standing over me.

"May I help you?" I asked while wiping my mouth.

Kamiya hugged me.


"I've missed you, Isabella."

"It doesn't seem like it."

"I'm sorry, but if you were in my shoes I'm pretty sure you would be pissed off too."


"I just want to forgive you and become your friend again."

I looked at Jessica and Daisy.

"What?" Daisy asked

"I won't forgive you because you're a..."

"Nevermind her but, please be my friend again?" Kamiya asked

"Okay, sure."

I gave her a hug then I walked away.

(Kamiya's Perspective)

"You have to be kidding me right Kamiya?"

"Shut up Jessica. I'm just using her."

"For what?" Daisy asked

"To lure her in and show her the pain that she caused us."


"You'll see."

(At the end of the day.)

"Um, so this weekend I'm having a party, Isabella." I said


"You're invited."

"Seriously?" Isabella asked

"Of course Bella, you're my best friend."

"What about you're parents and your siblings?"

"They're going to London."

"And you don't want to go?"

"No, been there done that."

"I'm not sure if I want to go to a party." Isabella said

"Aww Isabella, please? You have to come, don't be such a bummer."

"Who are you inviting?"


"As in the whole school?"

"No silly my house isn't that big."

"Then who is everyone?"

Kamiya rolled her eyes.

"Most of the Juniors in the school."

"That's over 100 people."

"Eh, she's right." Daisy said

"True I guess I'll just have 70 people there may be more we'll see."

"Okay bye, guys." Isabella said


(After Isabella walked away.)

"I really hate her." Kamiya said

We laughed.

"I know right, she acts like she didn't sleep with Jake." Jessica said

"I know and she has to pay for that."

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