Chapter Eleven

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Today is Wednesday, August 31st. It's the day of the last banquet. It was an ice castle theme. We celebrated Nadia's 18th birthday as well, she had a BLAST! Nathan was acting differently the whole time though.

As of right now we're at a campfire. I pulled Nathan to the side to talk to him.

"Hey, you picked me as your date this time." I said

"Yeah, I was aware of that."

"Are you okay because you didn't seem like you enjoyed yourself?" I asked

"I did."

He's lying.

"Are you lying?"

"Am I?"

"Nathan you've been acting weird all summer, especially tonight."

"Hmm, have I really?"

"Yeah you-"

"Listen Bella, I'm just too good for you."

"W- what?"

My heart dropped.

"I'm sorry to say..."

"You're literally not the Nathan I fell in love with before."

"I just..."

"Can't focus on a relationship right now? Nathan, I love you but... I'm breaking up with you."

"Nooo, it's the other way around. I'm breaking up with you."

"We both know that's not true." I spat out.

"Okay but, I love you too."

"We can be friends right?" I asked

"Of course."


We shared one last kiss. I let go of his hand and we walked our separate ways. I sat next to the girls.

"Did you two break up?" Daisy asked

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"She was eavesdropping." Jessica said

"Call it what you want Jess." Daisy said

"Yeah and I call it eavesdropping. You're really noisy."

"I can't help myself, it runs in the family."

Jessica yawned.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked


"But we only have one more night to spend in our cabins." I said

"I know that's why I'm going to stay in my bunk for as long as I can."

"Kameron, can you please hand me a soda?" I asked



"What kind?"


"Alright everyone it's time to go back to your cabins." Grandma Beth said

"Wait can me and my friends stay for a little bit longer?" Jake asked

"Me too." I said


"Uncle Steve, can you watch us?" Jake asked


"See he doesn't mind." Kameron said

"Fine." Grandma Beth said



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