Chapter Nine

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Later that night...

"Let's go campers. Go back to your cabins and  grab your sleeping bags." Grandma Beth said

We walked back to our cabins.

"What if you don't have sleeping bags?" Nadia asked

Nadia is a few months older than me. We used to be really good friends but in 6th grade, we stopped talking.

"Well we have extras, pick one out the bucket." Chris said

Nadia glared at Jessica and Daisy while she walked pass them.

"Why don't you a picture, it'll last longer." Jessica said

Jessica and Daisy snickered.

"I'll be the one having the last laugh." Nadia said

"I doubt that ." Jessica said

I took my sleeping bag off my bunk.

"Hey, we should play tag outside." I whispered to Daisy and Jessica

"Are we five?" Daisy asked

"No, but it might be fun, especially in the dark under the stars." Jessica said


"But we have to ask a counselor." I said

"I'm pretty sure they'll say you can't because it's too dangerous."

"True Grandma Beth is pretty strict." Daisy said

Outside our cabin.

"Yeah, I don't care." Grandma Beth said

"Seriously?" Jessica and I asked in séance

"Yes, as long as you stay in the area, meaning near our camp. Also, you have to bring your flashlights."

"Cool." I said

"Oh, and the counselors are playing as well, just to keep you safe." Grandma Beth said


"Aren't you a little too old to be playing tag?" Grandpa Henry asked

"Grandpa you're never too old to play tag at night, especially in THE WOODS." I said

"Eh. I'll go tell the boys."

"Yay." Jessica said

"Tell them it was my idea." I said

"Will do."

Grandma Beth walked into the cabin with us.


Everyone stood next to her.

"Isabella, will you tell them?"

"Okay, so Grandma Beth gave us the okay, to  play tag outside. But, we have to bring our flashlights, and the counselors are playing with us." I stated

Everyone cheered.

"Wait are other camps playing with us?" Layla asked

"Nope just us."

"Grandma you agreed to this?" Nadia asked

"Yes because it buys us some time to have the staff set everything up. I also need extra time planning for the event for tomorrow. Everything is all over the place."

Grandpa Henry came in.

"Um? Grandpa Henry what if we were naked?" Jessica asked

"I always alert the counselors that I'm coming."

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