Chapter Four

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I woke up really early today.

The birds are chirping outside.

I looked outside the little window, and saw the sun rising. I turned over to looked at everyone.

Most of the cabin is still sleep. The only people that are up are Chris, Jessica, and four other counselors and campers.

"Chris?" I quietly asked not trying to wake anyone.


"What time is it?"


"What time does everyone have to get up?"


"Wow, I'm up really early."

"Yeah but it's okay."

"I'm going to get in the shower."

"Okay... Oh and Isabella when you're done would you like to wake everyone?"




"I'm so tired."

"I told you not to stay up all night Kam." Noah said

"Why were you up all night?" I asked

"Because the girl that picked me for the banquet is super hot, and I wanted to take her to the beach."

"Who did you pick?" Kamiya asked

"Camilla Jones."

"Oh, she is hot." Conner said

"Meanwhile my grandfather is disappointed in my dad." Jake stated

"Why babe?" Kamiya asked

"Because my dad became Sheriff, and as you know my grandfather is one of the head judges in our town. My grandfather wanted my dad to become a judge like him. But my dad didn't, so my grandfather is very disappointed."

"Talk about family drama." Conner said

"My family wants me to be on my best behavior all the time, like whatever." Jake said

"But you're a bad boy." Kamiya said

"I know I am."

Kamiya and Jake kissed.

"Get a room you two." Conner said

As we're walking to the challenge field. I see two people standing near a black Honda. It seems like they're waiting for us.

"Hi guys, I'm Ryan."

"And I'm Naomi."

"So today you all will be playing laser tag." Ryan announced

We looked around.

"Where?" Layla asked

"Out here of course." Naomi answered

"So first things first....."

They gave us simple rules, they also let us choose our teams...


If you shoot someone, the laser gun will say, got you, and if you get hit, the gun will yell, ouch.

From what I'm seeing so far, it seems like us campers are winning.


A hid behind a tree, but little did I know, a group of counselors found me.

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