Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Monday evening

"Wow, your school isn't as big as mine." Faith said

I smiled.

"Maybe because your school is k4 to 12th grade."

"Or maybe it's just that your school is small."

"Yeah okay."

I opened my locker & grabbed my books. Then Faith & I started walking to the gym. We were confronted by Daisy & Jessica.

"Oh, there goes the big bad wolf."

"Is this Jessica?" Faith asked

"Yeah, this is her."

"And who might you be?" Jessica asked

"Her cousin, the one who sent you that email."

"Which is totally 1960s." I whispered while rolling my eyes.

Faith stepped a little closer to Jessica.

"Back up chica." Daisy mocked

"Estas chicas se ven más tontas de lo que pensaba." ("These girls look more foolish than I thought.")

I laughed.

"You aren't lying." I said

"What did you say tough one?" Daisy asked

"Are you black or Latino?" Jessica asked

Faith chuckled. She stepped really close to them.

"Both of you are all bark no bite."

I laughed again.

"Ah, so I see someone needs her cousin to fight her battles."

"Shut up Jessica." I said

"She's right, too bad she's not going to be here very long." Daisy said

"I'm going to be here long enough. Threaten my cousins again and watch what happens. Now thing one and thing two bounce."

They rolled their eyes and walked away.





She laughed then I laughed with her.


As the girls said, Faith wasn't going to be here forever.

Today is Christmas :). The snow is really coming down outside. My mom just came into my room.

"Wake up, princess."

"Mom I'm not a kid anymore."

"Well, it is Christmas so come on."

She walked out of the room.

I tried to check my phone for the time.

"Oh my god, it hasn't charged all night."


I put my cracked up phone on the charger, then I walked down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas."

"Felíz Navidad." I said

Ian is on the couch. It's so many presents under the tree.


"I know, it's a lot but it's for you and your brother. This is one of the reasons why I was going out."

"So you weren't drinking?"

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