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WELCOME TO MOBILE LEGENDS! Five seconds till the enemy reaches the battle field, SMASH THEM! All troops deployed!

The voice announced out loud through the microphone indicating the chosen heroes and heroines that the battle is now raging on. Some were already waiting for the buff and jungle monsters/creatures to come out while others were hidden in the bush waiting to seize a perfect ambush moment.

After a good set of three minutes on the running clock of the game in the control room with the cameras, showing the different spots where the jungle monsters/creatures are plus showing the different angles of the three lanes in the battlefield and the turtle and lord cameras, the announcer then said out loud through the microphone 'FIRST BLOOD' followed by;



And so the real battle began......


It was already 20 minutes and the scores are 26 and 25 which was close to a tie. There are four remaining turrets for the blue team and three remaining turrets for the opposing team. Pressure was definitely on both sides but nonetheless, they kept their cool however, out of a sudden the voice then announced out loud through the microphone:


Suddenly turning the tables to a tie of 26; four remained standing and holding their ground on the blue team while a complete five on the opposing red team. The Lorde then came into the map and roared, signaling both teams on the opposite side of the battlefield that the Lorde was now in position.

Desperate for the win, the blue team attacked the Lorde but was then attacked by the red team when the Lorde knocked half of them in the air. Seizing the opportunity, the red team gave it their all into defeating the blue team. One by one they've fallen and the blue team thought they have lost when they saw their current team mate already at full health and was charging towards the lord alone while the red team had no idea that the opposing team's comrade was coming.

The red team was giving everything they got to slay the lord when all of a sudden the lord knocked them out and that's when the team mate of the opposing blue team seized the moment and killed the Lorde instead of them following by:


The announcer said out loud while the one member of the blue team fought the opposing team's heroes/heroines off but their life was just too little because of the time they tried to slay the Lorde.




Added by a: MANIAC!

And finally a long waited: SAVAGE!


The final middle turret has been destroyed and the lord's life was about a half already, the red team all resurrected just when the lord was already smashing their base, its life already in half. Finally they have defeated the lord but then the blue team fought back ending in a clash; unfortunately it wasn't enough as one of the blue team's minions kept on attacking the low health base resulting the announcer finally saying:


The match ended with the blue team gaining the victory and the red team announced as defeat. The battlefield was then being cleaned and the turrets were now being shut down. The people in the control room was now logging off the monitors and turning off the equipment used for the battles as the heroes and heroines all returned to their base and was now currently off to their respective barracks to get changed thus ended another day for our heroes and heroines in the Land Of Dawn.

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