“Who wants to ride him first then?” He asked and no one stepped forward or put their hand up.

“No one? Oh well. Albus do you want to ride him. Come him is harmless really he would only hurt you if you attempt to hurt him or hurt his feels.” Said Hagrid smiling.

“Fine, ok!” Albus said a bit puzzled and not knowing what to do.

“It’s not scary trust me!” Hagrid said putting his arm round Albus and walking towards the creature.

“How do you know my name?” Asked Albus.

“I know most students because I teached most people’s parents. Your dad’s Harry Potter isn’t he. I knew him he always ended up getting into mischief but not on purpose it was how he said found him.”

“Oh right,” Replied Albus. Hagrid Helped Him on Bobby’s back and off he went. You could tell by his face he was scared to death but wanted to please Hagrid and give it a go.

When he came back he had a smile fixed on his faced.

“Wow! That was amazing you have to ride him!” Albus said excitedly and amazed. There was a silent pause as we all stud there thinking shall we ride Booby or not.

“OK then if you say so!” Said Rose stepping forward,

“Yeah me too. Why no!” I said following Rose. Hagrid helped Albus off and us on.

“What so you mean why not?” Asked Ethan panicked and scared he stepped forward but not to ride him but to try and warn us.

“So I take it you’re not going to ride on him?” Asked Rose looking down on Ethan.

“No!” He replied shyly and almost embarrassed that he wasn’t coming.

“Scaredy cat!” Yelled Rose.

“I’m not a cat!” Replied Ethan annoyed he looked like he was about to cry.

“You might as well be!” Rose said smiling.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked backing away. Rose just shrugged her shoulders and laughed. As Bobby flew us away you could hear Ethan moaning in the distance.

“This is wonderful!” I shouted.

“This is one of the reasons why I love magic so much. Wizard’s and Witch’s do and create magical things that muggles couldn’t even dream of!” She shouted back smiling.

“This is magical. Albus was right!” I said.

“Yep Ethan would have liked this if he wasn’t so uptight and a scaredy cat.” Replied Rose smiling.

We flew around Hogwarts around Hogsmeade village and across the black lake.

“What if he decides he wants to go for a swim?” I asked cautiously.

“Then he’ll go for a swim and we’ll have to get wet!” Replied Rose.

“But I don’t want to get wet!” I yelled back

“Tough what you going to do about it?” Rose said.

We flew past the black lake and I sighed a breathe of relief we then flew above the Forbidden forest. It really was magical one of the closest things to flying. The wind chilled me to the bone. I was excited and panicking at the same time. The wind blew through my hair and I just sat there holding onto Rose who was holding onto Bobby as Bobby just flew where ever he wanted to go as free as the bird he looked like.

I was sad when we landed back near the hut but was glad to see the hut.

“Well?” Asked Ethan.

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eaterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें