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(Air dropped photo is up top. Molly on the left Ava on the right.)

It was the day after the pep rally and the whole school was still extremely hype.

A lot had apparently happened that Ian and l missed because we were... busy.

For example, Matt Cooper, the 'oh so perfect' defense for the soccer team had broken up with Molly Green.

Molly wasn't a cheerleader if you were expecting something like that.

She was just a regular girl, who apparently liked to date 2 people at a time

one of them being Ava Price.

A lot of people have been giving her shit ever since pictures of them were air dropped to the




Now, Ava Price was a cheerleader for Jacksonville but, she quit the team.

The only reason Ava quit was because rumors of Matt threatening Ava spread because she apparently, "turned Molly into a lesbo"

Wow I'm turning into one of those kids. Ya know the ones who gossip and all? ugh

But besides the fact that Molly and Ava were outed, and that Matt's a total dickhead, Ian was over my house and we were studying.

Normally, l would've been nervous and practically crapping my pants but Ian didn't make it awkward at all so, why should l?

The whole bathroom situation was over and, even though l enjoyed it l could feel a sliver of regret inside of me.

Was it too soon for that? l have no idea but l do know that lan wouldn't have done it if either one of us wasn't comfortable.

Our Unit test in math was coming up and since I'm in the advanced math program, Ian wanted me to tutor him.

l felt bad because If he couldn't past this test, all of the extra curricular activities he did would be cut off.

"So, what do you want to start with?" l asked him.

"Can we start with the one with variables and stuff?"

"Uh Ian, a lot of math problems have variables but l know what your talking about."

"Mkay. Great." He said as he pulled out his phone laying down on my bed.

"Ian." l said.


Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall.

"Duuuuude if you want to pass then you need to listen." l almost begged.

"Fine. Math is just boring why can't we do something else?" He questioned.

"Because this is a freaking tutor session. l tutor you. That's how it works okay? l don't know how math can get better than this."

Frustrated, l crossed my arms and took Ian's phone. l put it on the desk and looked at him.

"I'm trying okay?"

"Alright. Sorry."

A concerned look crossed my face as Ian started to smirk.

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