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Here you are sinners.
My legs were tapping against the edge of Ian's bed while he was on his computer.

His head was down, his eyes focused on the gentle glow radiating from the screen. He was looking up this famous actor from a movie he liked.

An uneasy silence was drawn between us, my stomach nor my anxiety favored it.

A few times I had attempted to spark up a conversation, but thanks to my crippling anxiety, only a few words were said but quickly replaced with more staid silence.

I decided to just keep quiet. We were both stuck in our own little worlds at the moment, and I was okay with that.

I let my eyes sneakily wander over to Ian. In all honesty, I simply couldn't take my mind off of him ever since our first kiss. It'd been practically a week since then and ever since we've never been apart.

Aunt Macy hasn't stopped asking me about Ian. Sometimes she got very prying about small, insignificant details and it annoyed me occasionally.

I told her we weren't dating because, well, we weren't. Ian was scared to death of what his dad would think of him and I wanted to respect that.

Somehow Aunt Macy figured out my sexuality before I even did which is... odd.

I tried to avert my thoughts from the topic of Ian's dad, aunt Macy, and everything that wasn't Ian.

Just Ian.

His beautiful smile, flawless body, and mesmerizing eyes. Everything about him was just breathtaking.

I found myself thinking about him for longer then I wanted to because Ian, who I forgot was in the room, turned from his computer. His eyes met mine and I felt my heart start beating faster.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" he asked softly, standing up from his desk.

"Nothing," I replied quickly; maybe a little too quickly.

"Are you sure about that?" He smiled as he climbed into his bed with me.

His arms wrapped around my neck and his legs straddled my waist.

I smiled up into his pretty eyes and got used to the feeling of him being close to me.

"Seriously, what were you thinking about? Now I'm interested." he smirked slightly at me.

A blush creeped across my face. I loved it when he smiled, he was just too cute.


How could I tell him that I was just thinking about him? He'd think I'm weird.

We aren't even dating yet and I want to be with him every waking second.

I need help.

"Oh come on Leo" He whined into my ear.

It took me all of my courage to just let out a simple word.

"You" I murmured.

"What was that?" He smiled lifting my chin up. I knew he heard me this time.

His hands ran through my hair, all the while he was staring straight into my eyes.

Why does he like to torture me?

I met his gaze, then watched as his eyes slowly flickered from my eyes down to my lips, then  back up again

My cheeks immediately turned red and my hands slipped around his back, pulling him closer.

I watched as he slowly tilted his head and leaned in close until our foreheads were touching.

His breathing was the only thing keeping me from literally having a heart attack. The pattern soothed me and made me less nervous.

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