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~{Leo's P.O.V}~
To me, the world seemed so innocent. So pure. Well not only because of the fact that I was ten but because I thought I had a stable family, I lived in a pretty decent house I was treated like a regular child would be treated.

But soon, after some major changes in my life, I thought that it couldn't get any worse, that everyone was out to get me.

It still feels like that to this day because I could never get over this trauma.

{Leo's POV age 10}
I opened my eyes only to find darkness surrounding me. Was someone awake? If so why were they awake in the middle of the night.

I reached my hand out to turn on my night light. It illuminated the room with a bluish white tint.

I pushed my blankets over me and tip toed to the door. I creaked it open and headed for the stairs.

When I reached the bottom level I saw my dad with a suitcase and a bunch of other bags filled to the brim.

"Daddy where are you going?" I asked. A confused face put on at my father as he grabbed his phone and walked up to the front door.

"No where special" he said simply.

No where special? I repeated In my head what does he mean by that?

"Well than why are you up so late at night?" I whisper yelled, not trying to wake mommy and Ben up.

"Can I at least come with you?" I asked tugging on his shirt.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, "look Leo, sometimes things just don't work out the way they are supposed to, Don't ever think that I don't love you okay buddy?"

"Okay dad... why are you acting so weird?" I demanded. "Daddy won't be coming back for a while okay? Promise me you will take good care of your mom and your brother."

He ruffled my hair and stepped out of the front door. Little did I know, those were the last words I would ever hear from my father again.


[2 weeks pass]
I noticed my mom looked more sick and ill as the days passed on.

It was getting to a point where it wasn't just a simple cough.

She had already been damaged by waking up without my father next to her and now this.

Whatever it was I had a feeling that it wasn't good.

My dad still hasn't come back and I'm starting to think that he never will. He didn't even give me an explanation.

Nothing. He just left me.

To think that I will never have a dad to throw a ball with or watch marvel movies together makes me really sad.

Far away in the living room I heard my mom wheezing horribly and coughing violently. "H-hey mom are you okay?" I asked panicked.

I swore I saw a tear going down her face, she looked like she was in so much pain. "N-no get, get help" she barely coughed out.

I didn't know what to do. Something like this had never happened before.

I saw her bend over and watched in horror as blood poured out of her mouth. I was so scared for her. I didn't want to lose her.

I used my basic knowledge and dialed 911. I explained to them my situation. Shivers running through my veins as my moms body was slowly and painfully giving up on her.

I paced around the room waiting for someone to come and save her. In less then 5 minutes, which felt like 5 hours, I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to the door and let them in immediately.

Tears rushing down my face, I cried out to them. "She's just sick. Really sick". It took so much to say those words.

I hoped she wouldn't leave me like my dad did. I never prayed harder In my whole life.

I convinced myself that she was going to make it but by just looking at her ghastly-pale face I couldn't believe that would be true.

Once the ambulance took my mom out on the gurney the screeching sound of the sirens wailed.

That didn't help my anxiety. 

At all.

I was scared to death to figure out what was going on with my mom. She's all I had left and I can't afford to lose her.

When we arrived at the hospital a tall lady took me to the waiting room.

I don't know why hospitals in the movies seem so depressing. This one was nice with paintings on the walls and some photos of healthy people plastered everywhere.

It only lessened the 500 ton weight I felt pounding on me by a little bit.

I look towards Ben, my little brother

He had just been born a couple months ago so he couldn't do much, I was the one who took care of him most of the time.

Ever since my mom got sick. It's been harder to take care of him because it's just me and I wasn't trained to be a parent or anything.

I wish my dad hadn't left us. If only he could have stayed. We would have been a nice and happy family.

But no. Here we are, in the hospital waiting for results to see what the hell is wrong with my mother.

After an hour or so a doctor came into the waiting room looking for me. I felt my heart stop for a minute as he told me about my mother.

She was dying.

I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything! My baby brother started crying even though he couldn't understand the horrid news this doctor gave me. I wrapped my arms around him and rocked him gently.

I just sat there crying and wondering what would happen to us.

When your whole world is crushing in on you, it's hard to put on a smile. It's hard to pretend everything is okay.

Weeks later I was told that I was going to move in with an aunt of mine that lives in America.


I live in England. America is so far away!

I didn't know what to think but I was glad one of our family members took us in.

After this, I started my new life with my Aunt in America.


The prologue is done! With a lot of editing and revisions we finally finished it lol. It might not be the best but at least it's something. I hope you enjoy! Please give it a vote and comment☺️- C&Z

Izzy helped too :P

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