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(guys I don't know how pep rally's work so don't judge me.

Also there is going to be a scene in here for all you sinners so if that's not for you then you can leave or read all of the chapter until the scene happens. there will be a *** for people who don't want to read that part)

Ian's POV
Today at school, since it's the football teams 5th win of the season, we are going to have a pep rally.

The student council has been planning this event like crazy.

all they ever talk about is pep rally this, pep rally that. I guess I just don't care for football.

I mean, I used to play but now it just seems like a waste of time when you could be doing loads of other things.

My dad kind of forced me to play when I was younger, but it wasn't what I really wanted.

He's actually still pretty disappointed because his son isn't everything that the media wants him to be.

My dad is the big deal, okay? not me. I don't matter in the real world.

My first class of the day was the worst, mainly because Leo wasn't in it but even worse, my teacher.

When I say he hates my guts, I mean he fucking hates my guts.

Maybe it's because my dads famous. Maybe it's because I'm 'cool'. The world may never know.

But anyways, the class was ending and soon, the pep rally was starting.

When the bell rang, I practically sprinted out of the classroom eager to get to Leo.

I knew that his first core was english so I had to go to the other side of the school.

We always walked together so he waited for me because we had the same second core.

When I arrived at Mr. Ross's room I took a halt and looked around for Leo.

He was still at his desk which was odd because Leo hates every minute of that class.

I decided to wait outside and have him come out when he was ready.

After about 2 minutes of standing outside of the devils doorstep, I saw Leo walk out.

"Hey what took you so long?" I asked.

Leo took in a deep breath and I knew I was in for a ride.

"I got in trouble again! but it wasn't even my fault.  He's a total dickhead. He's so problematic, my god they should just fire him."

"Oh? I think you need to calm down..." I spoke softly.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when I have to see him every day? he's literally the worst human being ever." He huffed out.

I chuckled at him as he ranted on.

At this moment I noticed how adorable his cheeks were. They were all puffy and red. But when you look into his eyes you could really see that he has such a huge heart.

"You're like, really cute when your angry." I pointed out.

He turned his head and I saw a glare in his eyes.

Oh shit...

He took a step closer to me and then I saw his hands lift up. His lips turned into a heavy frown and my eyes widened.

I knew he would never actually hurt me so I laughed again at how much of a baby he was being.

"Leo, chill out" I told him as he grabbed my hands.

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