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(Pic of Leo is up top.)

~{Leo's P.O.V}~

It's been a couple weeks since school started. Everything seems different and there's more responsibilities to take care of.

As always I stand quiet.
The teachers always want to make their students literally hate them with all of their guts.

The one thing that they do to me is put me in the spotlight, making my anxiety fill me with horrible things, horrible thoughts.

Since I don't really have lots of friends and I don't like to make them, I eat outside, alone. (Go figure).

I found a nice spot near the soccer field and the school, there's a big tree tree right in the middle with a great shade. I find it quite relaxing.

I pack my own lunch most of the time, but if I'm running late, I order at school. I don't really mind unless I don't get something to eat.

Honestly when I'm hungry or when I'm tired is when I'm the most grumpy but good thing I eat nonstop. 

Mom would always make me eat each meal everyday. She would make breakfast, lunch, and dinner all by herself.

I loved when I got to help her. She call me her little assistant.

Her cooking was the best, I really do miss it.

While I was heading in for a bite of my chicken sandwich I heard a voice from behind me making me jump in surprise and fear. "Hey what are you doing all the way out here?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled.

I looked up to see who it was but couldn't figure out if it was one of my classmates, I haven't seen this guy before.

"My names Ian. What's yours?" He asked squatting down next to me.

"L-Leo.." I said shyly looking down at my sandwich.

"Cool... so um you didn't quite answer my question" he smirked.

"Oh, well I um... I-I just thought this place was relaxing." I stuttered keeping my eyes on the grass under my feet.

Why was he talking to me? No one ever just came across me and thought, hey I want to spark a conversation with this weird guy.

"Indeed, this is very relaxing... all of the worms and bird poop right under your butt."

He laughed and it made my face go pink.

"And you come here every lunch?" He continued.

Why is this guy asking so many questions?! Are we doing an interrogation or something?!

"I guess" I shrugged

"Hey, do you know who I am?" He said trying to look at me. I turned away not letting him win.

"No, why? Should I?" I asked a confused look filling my face, although I bet he couldn't see it.

"Oh... well I'm Ian, Avian Rose's son," He said proudly. "Please tell me you know my father..."

"I-I do" I giggled as he sighed in relief.

"Okay good. So, I guess you don't really care about what those girls in our school say right?"

"I mean I bet you get a lot of attention so it's kind of confusing seeing you eat alone out here without a cluster of girls on your shoulder." He shrugged.

I choked on my food. What the hell! Did he actually think I was one of those popular kids?!

My face did a mixture of blushing and laughing. But more laughing.

"You think I'm one of those guys!" I asked concerned.

"Well yea I just thought so because becaus- never mind it's nothing but anyways," his cheeks started to get super red.

I only knew Ian for 5 minutes and we were both talking to each other like we were best friends.

"Well I mean popularity and girls aren't that important to me" I replied.

"Cool. You know you're one of the only people I've ever heard say that" He smiled.

I just looked up and my cheeks flushed.

" I just think every one is is fake around here. Everyone I try to be friends with is just some attention seeking drama queen."

I chuckled at his response because it is kind of true.

"That's a really good point" I said to him

He took this opportunity to find a seat next to me. I was forced to move over a little bit because he was a bit to close for my likings.

"Well are you gonna talk or what?" He said

"I'm- I mean, I'm not that good with talking so you can talk. Talk your heart out" I encouraged.

"Oh well if you insist." He sighed.

I looked him in the eyes as he rambled on about how his dad was going to buy him this fancy car when he's older.

And at that moment I noticed his eyes.

And holy heck was he good looking.

I couldn't help but keep my eyes off of his. They were a a light green color that made me want to sink into them.

Maybe this was why every girl in this damn school was so obsessed with him.

"Dude, are you okay?" He asked me waving a hand in my face.

"Oh uh yea sorry. Go on. Your story is interesting." I lied.

"Okay." He shrugged.

When he finished his rant about how fish aren't really considered a type of meat he decided to ask me a question.

"So how is school so far"

"I mean, to be honest it kind of sucks. I have anxiety and a lot of other problems and the fact that I don't have any friends and also the teachers literally are planning my funereal doesn't help at all."

I had to shut myself up before I spilled any more information to this stranger.

I wonder why I was telling him so much.

"Oh. That's weird, when I came here everyone was all over me." He said not knowing he was being cocky.

"Well no freaking duh you're Avian Roses son. Like what did you expect?" I retorted laughing at him.

"Oh well I mean that's true. I guess."

"I guess" I copied him in a funny voice.

"Well you can consider me your first friend here at Jacksonville's High School" he said as the bell rang.

"Oh wait I forgot. Give me your number so we can keep in touch if you ever disappear or something." He smirked handing over his phone.

I looked to see what I had in my hands, this looked so expensive! I was scared I was going to drop it or something!

"O-okay" i said as I put my number in.

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