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~{Ian's P.O.V}~

I looked up from my phone and towards the dresser.

Did I have to go to school today? I wish there was just one day where I could disappear!

I was up until 4:00 am thinking.

Like really hard. It gave me a headache.

And the crazy thing was it was about Ian. When he hugged me yesterday. I'm not usually the type of person to make a big deal out of these kind of things, But for some reason I just couldn't get my mind off of it. Why?

He knew who I was right? Why in the world would he befriend me if he knew I was a loner, why would he hug me!

It baffles my mind to think that just last year kids in my 5th grade class wouldn't stand within 5 feet of me.

I wasn't part of the popular group, I rarely talk, and mostly nobody likes me.

Now, Ian Rose, AVIAN ROSES SON let me remind you, hugged me!!

I am not mad at this gesture, I kind of enjoyed it but the thing was, I was going in for a handshake. He knew that but he still decided to hug me. I don't know what to do.

But, maybe he did it because he felt close? He did say I was his friend... but in just a couple weeks?! I don't think so, we don't even know each other that well.

I don't even know why I'm stressing out so much over this.

Now school, Should I smile at him or should I frown and worry about his mental health?

Maybe I should just forget about it and go along with my day accordingly. I mean it's not like he proposed to me or something.

I shook my head and looked at the clock. It was already 7:30 I was going to be late if I didn't rush like my life depended on it.

Which it kind of did because my first teacher of the day is literally a freaking dragon. She will tear you to pieces.

I hopped out of bed and rushed to the closet I pulled out some jeans and a red and black flannel.

I slipped my convers on and rushed downstairs. When I arrived Aunt Macy looked at me in a concerned way.

"Honey are you okay? You are sweati-"

I quickly interrupted her and said "I'm running late, love you bye" and ran out the door.


I forgot something.

I turned around opened the door and ran back into the kitchen to kiss Ben on the forehead. "Bye bud have a good day"

I whispered In his ear and ruffled his poofy hair.

Lastly I sprinted off of my porch and on the way to school.

When I was running, my feet were pounding so hard I could hear a little crack in the ground about to start. And I also realized that my shoes were untied...

I finally arrived, opened the doors, rushed up the stairs, probably faster then a car on a race track, and went to my home room.

And of course once I was somewhere with a ton of people I knew, I tripped. Laughter filling the air.

When I ran to my seat everyone's eyes were on me. I glared back at them and tried to catch my breath, And tied my shoe lace.

Stupid children and there stupid minds...

I looked next to me and there was Ian. "Dude what happened you almost missed the bell" he asked.

"I know. I was late."

"Obviously" he retorted sarcastically.

I looked forward and into the teachers manacing eyes. I know I'm not really popular or whatever but I am very problematic.

Teachers really hate me. I think it's just because every time they say something stupid, I tell them. It's so annoying how adults think they're right all of the time.

"Did you even do your hair?" Ian asked me again.



My fingers quickly ran through my hair in an attempt to make it look better.

I could have at least tried to make myself look kind of good. - even though a potato face like this can't do miracles.

But what I was doing was making it worse. I was floofing it up even more than it already was but I still kept on doing it

"No no no. Right now you look like an Oompa Loompa. That got run over by a truck." Ian said nonchalantly.

"Gee thanks" I replied back to him in an annoyed tone.

He leaned over to try and fix my mess of a hair and when he was done he patted me on the shoulder and leaned back.

"That's the best I can do for you Leo." He started to laugh and then sighed.

"Thanks" I replied.

I was still sweating like I ate a whole bottle of ranch dressing and my 300 pound ass was trying to run it off on a tread mill.

That's not a good analogy never mind.

But the point was I was sweating. Bad.

I felt bad for Ian as he wiped his hands off on his shirt and looked back up to the board.

"Sorry" I apologized.

"No, don't worry it's fine." He assured me

I nodded in response and looked back up to the board.


As the bell rang everyone reached under their seats and took out the note books.

"Hey," I heard Ian whisper to me.

I turned to the side and raised my eyebrow

"Wanna hang out after school?"

A small blush covered my face, wait why was I blushing?! Ugh I don't understand, what should I say?

"Y-yeah, sure..." I whispered back getting a smirk from the brunette.

What was he planning on doing?

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