
18 1 0

~{Leo's P.O.V}~

The next couple of classes were okay because I didn't have that teacher but they kind of sucked because, It's school. Do I need to go any farther?

I sat outside and ate lunch again but this time I was alone. Usually Ian would come over and sit with me but I didn't know where he was.

Was he still planning on hanging out with me after school?

I'm standing by my locker and trying to get out my 150 pound bag that won't budge.

It's so annoying how I have to carry this thing to and from school.

After a lot of struggling and grunting (😉) I finally pulled my book bag out of the locker. I think I might've started a hole in it but, it's fine.

I turned around and started walking out of the school building. but that's when I found Ian waving his hand up in the air at me standing in the middle of  the hallway.

I walked over to his waving hand and smiled up at him.

I'm glad he didn't ditch on me and met me here. I wonder what happened at lunch. I stood there for a couple moments just looking around before I decided to speak.

"Where were you at lunch today?" I questioned. Only because for the past couple of weeks he had been sitting at the tree by the soccer field with me.

"Oh, sorry I wanted to sit with you but these two girls kind of forced me to sit with them. Usually I could just walk away but they were scary and I felt intimidated." He spoke

I laughed at him hysterically. "Oh my gosh thats hilarious!" I cried out.

He just rolled his eyes "So, are you still free today?" He asked me.

"Yea, I am. But uh what are we doing?"

"You'll se-" he got cut off when a girl from his history class I think her name was Riley? tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned to her and I thought I heard a groan in annoyance leave his lips. I almost laughed at this because it's hilarious to see him like that.

"Hey Ian!" She said perkily.

"Hey Riley" he said standing on one foot waiting for her to explain why she was here.

"So, like, I was wondering if maybe you were available after school? We could totally like, go to the mall with me and my friends and stuff"

She giggled and twirled her hair.

I literally almost gagged.

She freaking giggled.


"No thank you i already have more important things to do after school. bye."


that was...


He dragged me along with him out of school.

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