Chapter 24

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Jonathan wanted to go eat at a fancy restaurant, meanwhile I just wanted something casual. Since he was insisting on paying for the food, I would feel bad about making him pay for an expensive meal.

"Why don't we eat somewhere that's kind of fancy but also kind of casual?" Jonathan suggested as we got into his car.

"I'm okay with a happy medium," I replied in agreement.

"How about Olive Garden?" he proposed, looking over at me with his puppy eyes.

"That sounds great," I nodded. He smiled, glad that we were able to agree.

As we started out of the school parking lot, my phone began to buzz.

"Ha, it's Sydney," I chuckled, looking down at Sydney's picture on my phone.

"She's probably wondering where you are," Jonathan commented as he turned out of the parking lot.

I pressed the answer button, and I was immediately greeted by worried yelling.

"Where the hell did you go?! I thought you were coming into the gym behind us, but you never showed up! Are you alright? Did something happen?" she was talking quickly and loudly, so it was hard to decipher what she was even saying. But I could definitely hear her. I held the phone away from my ear because she was hurting my ears.

"Everything is fine. I'm fine. Jonathan and I are just leaving school to go on a date," I replied calmly. Once the word 'date' escaped my lips, Jonathan nervously squirmed in his seat while Sydney gasped.

"I'm sorry. I'll let you two enjoy the rest of your night in peace. Have fun. But not too much fun," she whispered and then hung up on me.

"She was so excited she didn't even let me say goodbye," I chuckled as I put my phone in the pocket of my jacket.


We walked into Olive Garden, and we were greeted by the chatter of everyone enjoying their dinner. The hostess gave us a smile as we walked up to her.

"Welcome! Table for two?" she asked, smiling widely at us.

"Yes please," Jonathan and I said in accidental unity. We both blushed and glanced at each other. The hostess let out a little giggle as she grabbed two menus.

"Right this way," she spoke as she waved to us to follow her. The nice lady led us to a less-crouded area of the restaurant. There weren't too many people around our table. She probably figured we wanted to enjoy a quiet dinner together, just me and him.

"Here you go. Your waiter should be out in just a second to take your drink orders. Here's your menus. Please enjoy your dinner," she said as she laid the menus down and left in a rush.

"I already know what I want. What about you?" Jonathan asked, trying really hard to have a conversation and being super cute as he did it.

"I think I'll just get (whatever Italian meal you heckin want)," I replied as I laid my menu down, leaving it open in case I somehow screw up and forget what I want mid-order.

"I have to say that you looking really dapper in that suit," I commented, looking up at Jonathan with a smile. He began blushing in that adorable way he does when he gets super shy.

"Thanks," he grinned shyly, "And you look amazing in that dress."

"Do you like it? I wasn't too sure about how I felt about it," I said as I glanced down at my dress. I kind of just wanted to go dress shopping quickly, so I had picked an okay dress and that was the end of it. Once I had brought it home, I couldn't figure out if I liked it or didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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