Chapter 10

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Dad and I arrived at the football game at around 6:45 ish. It started at 7:00, but dad said there wouldn't be any harm in coming early. I couldn't disagree with him, especially since he had a nasty habit of arriving at everything late.

"Where's your friend?" dad asked as we walked in.

"She didn't text me back, but she may be here already," I replied and looked at the bleachers.

"Is she okay?" dad questioned, sounding worried. I quietly nodded.

"Yeah, she should be okay. At least, I hope she is," I replied, still looking at the bleachers.

"Do you see her?" dad asked. I stopped looking at the bleachers and shrugged. If she was here, she was either in the bathroom, getting a snack, or hiding somewhere.

"I don't think she is. We can just sit down and save a spot for her family. I'll text her and let her know we're here," I said as I sat down near the far left side of the bleachers. Dad sat next to me and gave me a pat on the back.

"So you enjoying the year so far?" dad asked as we watched the cheerleaders do warmups.

"Yeah, it's nice so far," I shrugged, not able to think of anything I didn't like. I mean, I could've mentioned Evan and his minions, but I figured it wasn't important.

I sent a text to Sydney that said, "I'm here. Are you here yet?"

I saw that she had read it, but she didn't reply for a few minutes. I decided to ask if there was something bothering her.

"Is something wrong?"

She left my message on read for a few more minutes. The three little dots came up about once or twice, but she didn't say anything back. I started to become worried, but I stayed as calm as I could. She would arrive soon. Either way, maybe I was making a bigger problem out of the situation. Maybe she was okay after all. Maybe she just didn't feel the need to respond since I already knew she would be at the game.

Should I call her? I asked myself.

"Hey (y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice call as I was contemplating whether or not I should call.

"Sydney!" I called back to her with a smile. She was leading two women and a man, which I figured were her parents and her sister.

She walked over and sat next to my dad and myself. She had a smile, which made me glad. I was so worried about her, but now that she had arrived she seemed perfectly fine.

"Hi, I'm Sydney. It's nice to meet you sir," Sydney said to dad. She held out her hand and dad shook it.

"I'm Matt, it's a pleasure to meet the person my daughter has talked about since the first day of school," dad smiled at Sydney, who began to blush a little.

"And this is my mom Chelsea and my dad Josh. And this lady next to my dad is my older sister Amber," Sydney said as she pointed to each of her family members. I politely waved to her family and they smiled and waved back.

"We're going to go hang out. Have fun getting to know each other!" Sydney said as she stood up and took my hand. She led me down the stairs and towards the food stand.

"What kind of food do they have?" I asked Sydney as we walked toward the food stand.

"Hot dogs, nachos, pizza, candy bars, popcorn, pop, water, chips, and some other little snacks," she listed off excitedly, practically drooling.

We walked up to the food stand and we were met with some students from the school. They looked bored, probably because they were forced to be there.

"I'll have nachos and a sprite please," Sydney said to the students and layed her money on the counter.

"Anything you want?" she asked as she turned around to look at me.

"Can I have a slice of pizza?" I asked. She nodded in reply and turned around to let the students know to get a slice of pizza as well. They handed us our food and Sydney paid them. Sydney then led me behind the bleachers where some other students were hanging out.

"This is a cool place to hang out, especially if you don't want to hang out around the huge crowd of parents," she said as she sat down on the sidewalk that ran behind the bleachers. I sat next to her and we began to eat our food while listening to the start of the game. They were introducing each team and team member. The band was also playing a song at this time, but it was difficult to decipher what song they were playing. The band wasn't very good, to say the least.

I finished my pizza as the game started. The other school was winning so far with two touchdowns. I threw my trash away, along with Sydney's since she asked if I could throw hers away as well. I sat back down next to her and we listened to the game for a little bit.

"Hey! (Y/n)!" I heard a familiar and annoying voice call my name from behind me.

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