Chapter 20

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Sydney's POV

I left my sister's car and made my way to the school's front doors. Amber drove away fairly quickly, probably because she had to work today. I didn't even get to wave goodbye to her.

As I figured, (y/n) was absent today. I figured she would be after what she told me last night. I was in for a very boring day.

An idea struck me as I walked to my locker: I could talk to all of Tyler and Evan's good friends and see if they'd be willing to help (y/n) and I humiliate their bad friends. I felt like the more help we got with this plan, the easier it'll be to go through with said plan.

I decided I should wait until after school to talk to them. I still had Brock's number from when I dated Evan and hung out with them. I texted Brock and requested to have him meet me behind the school gym, and I asked him to bring Craig, David, Marcel, and Brian with him. I would've asked for Jonathan as well, but I didn't want to risk getting him in trouble with Tyler if we were to be caught. He left my message on read but never replied. I wasn't sure if he was willing to follow through and actually meet me after school.

But still, I stood behind the gym waiting for him. I leaned against the brick wall, bored out of my freaking mind. As I waited, I looked around at the nature that surrounded me. Signs of fall quickly approaching were apparent as I looked around. There were leaves falling from the trees, the air was cooler than usual, and the green leaves were slowly turning brown and orange. There were still many green-covered trees, but some of them were beginning to have orange spots.

I sighed and hung my head, as it seemed like he wasn't going to come. I stood up and began to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" I stopped in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice call to me. I turned around, kind of surprised that Brock came, and he even brought David, Brian, Marcel, and Craig.

"I didn't think you were coming," I admitted.

"We had to wait for someone," he said as he glanced at Brian, "He had soccer practice that seemed to last forever."

Brian just let out a little chuckle and grinned.

"Sorry," he said, though he didn't sound very apologetic.

"Listen, I wanted you guys to come here because I have an issue. Well, it's more like (y/n) has an issue," I spoke seriously, making everyone else become serious as well.

"Geez, I've been hearing that name a lot recently," Craig hummed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She's the only girl Tyler has been raving about for days and days on end," Marcel replied.

"Yeah, that's the problem I want to discuss with you guys," I huffed. They all nodded, showing me they understood. They didn't seem surprised either. It was almost as if they were expecting this.

"Tell me something: do you guys really agree with the stuff he does? Do you like the person he is?" I asked. They all went silent and glanced at each other. They seemed to be having a silent conversation with themselves.

"Of... Of course we don't like the person he currently is," Craig spoke up nervously.

"We don't know how to get the old Tyler back," Brian sighed with a somber expression.

"Evan and Lui aren't any better," Brock mumbled.

"When did they become like this?" I asked. They all took nervous glances at each other.

"We weren't the most popular group back in middle school. In fact, we were bullied quite a lot. I think they noticed how unpopular we were, and so they wanted a change of pace. Evan was able to climb the social latter easily due to his rich parents. He brought all of us up. And once we got to the top, they became... well... dicks," David spoke, looking off in the distance in thought.

"I see," I hummed, "Listen, (y/n) has a plan that might be able to bring the old Lui, Evan, and Tyler back. We need all the help we can get, so hear me out before you shut me down."

They all looked unsure as they glanced at each other.

"You can try whatever, just know that we've already tried a few things and got no results," Craig said.

"Trust me, this should give us results," I responded, a grin growing on my face. Craig sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"Tell us your plan."

(DeliriousxReader) Not Like The OthersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang