Chapter 18

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I heard the sound of things being moved and thrown as they searched the closet up and down. I could feel my blood become cold every time I felt one of them near me. It was a weird mix of feeling super cold but also sweating profusely at the same time. Managing my breathing was also rather difficult. I tried so hard to stay as quiet as I could.

What exactly are they planning on doing with me once they find me...?

The thought itself scared me senseless. I didn't think I'd be able to even run I was so terrified. Even as I stood there and listened to them rummage through the equipment, my legs began to feel like jelly.

I didn't know what to do. I was so desperate for a savior of any sort. Sydney, Jonathan, a teacher, the bell; I needed something. Anything.

I suddenly felt a presence near me. I could feel the heat of someone's body next to me. The feeling terrified me to the point that I couldn't move. I was too scared to even turn and see who it was and if they could see me.

Before I knew it, the person had left my side and all of them were leaving the closet. The sound of the gym doors slamming shut echoed through the gym and into the closet. I let out a sigh, feeling very relieved. I left me hiding place and made my way out of the closet, climbing over things the guys had messed up while hunting me down. I was so happy as I left the closet that my body felt like a feather.

I turned to leave the closet, and I was immediately grabbed by someone. They forcefully held their hand over my mouth and wrapped their other arm around my torso. I let out an alarmed muffle as I turned to see an overexcited Tyler. He chuckled, sounding very insane.

Evan seemed a little uneasy as he watched Tyler and me.

"You okay Tyler?" he asked.

"What the hell kinda question is that? I'm just fine," Tyler replied, sounding confused. Evan didn't say anything else, but I could see he wanted to. His face was a weird mixture of sadness and confusion.

I let out a muffled scream and I fought against Tyler's grip.

"Stop squirming so much," he hissed.

"So... What do we do now?" Lui asked, looking slightly confused.

"Whatever we want!" Tyler giggled like a child in a candy store.

But then, before he could do or say anything else, the bell rang. Tyler let out a deep growl. He released me reluctantly and he angrily whispered in my ear, "Watch your back."

And with that, Tyler left the gym, dragging Lui and Evan out with him. I stood there, shivering.

Is it too late to transfer to a new school..?

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