"Camila" she responds back and I give her a quick hug. After I pull back I see her false tight lipped smile, a smile I'm starting to get accustomed to.

"You look great by the way" I say with a light smile gesturing to her outfit, trying my best to keep my eyes on her face and not her toned physique.

"Thanks you look nice too... but anyways" she says before turning to Ally to back to their conversation before I interrupted them. Ally sends me a small apologetic smile and I shrug back to her, it's not her fault Normani and I are in this mess.

We wait for a few more minutes, as I found out from Dinah, for Arin since Normani invited him. Troy, Dan, and Anna Kate joined us as well and we all got in the cabs we called and headed to the spot. When the cab finally stopped I hopped over Dinah and Dan to exit the cab in excitement. This is my first time being to a club and ifit's like it is in the movies I'm beyond ready yet scared at the same time. The outside looks pretty LA average, its a nice white stucco building front with a simple line and velvet rope, I can already here the thumping from the music inside. I wait by the car door as everyone else gets out of their cars and gathers in front of the entrance. Dinah walks up to the bouncer and after exchanging a few words he lets us in after doing a once over at all of us. I glare as we walk in since he ogles at Normani, he quickly turns his eyes else-ware and I silently laugh. 

"Oh my gosh Dinah, how'd you get us in so quick" I ask basically yelling in her ear since the music is really loud as we walk into the entrance. 

"My cousin works here so he gave us the hook-up, you're welcome" she responds with a cheeky grin and everyone in the group yells thanks. The place is really nice, well designed yet casual and filled with really good looking people. The dance floor takes up most of the space and is already bustling with people and it's only 10:30 pm. It was pretty dark aside from the color lights around space adding to the atmosphere. The boys go to grab a few drinks, sprites and waters of course and us girls go to find somewhere to sit. We settle in an open area with lounge seating and a few small tables falling into small groups of small chatter. In less than 5 minutes Normani is up from her seat dragging a laughing Arin on to the dance floor. I sigh spinning the ice in sprite around watching them dance with each other without a care in the world. Dinah nudges me on the shoulder snapping me out of my trance and I get back in the conversation grateful for the distraction. 

"Chancho, it's been an hour and you've yet to get up from your seat" Dinah says as she comes to sit next to me seeming a little tired from the dancing she had been doing. Lauren and I have just been chatting and catching up with each other, I made sure to apologize for being a sucky friend lately so now were just taking a about a book we're both reading. Everyone in our group so far has gotten up to dance except for me, I suck at it and Normani has been there dancing with Arin the entire time eliminating any reason that I should. 

"What, yes I have" I lie hoping Dinah will drop.

"Camila" she says while giving me a side eye. "I didn't plan this for nothing so I'm going to go distract  Arin. After I do you better go and dance with Normani" Dinah says before turning and walking to the dance floor.

"What! Wait Dinah..." I say standing upfrom my seat but it's too late. I watch as Dinah dances her way between the two before cutting in and taking Arin away to the other side of the crowded floor, leaving Normani seemingly perplex. I turn towards Lauren who shrugs before getting up, grabbing her drink, and walking over to a girl she meet while dancing instantly sparing a conversation. I look to where Dinah and Arin were dancing with Arin's back to me, Dinah glares at me for a quick second and points to Normani. I raise my hands in defense and place my glass on the table mentally preparing myself, quickly running through the lesson and advice Ally and Dinah gave me earlier. 

The Beautiful Motto of Whatever [Normila]Where stories live. Discover now