Chapter 8

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+PG-13. Continued from last chapter...

Camila's P.O.V:

"Okay spit it out D Money" I say while looking at Dinah who's face is still filled with mischief. At this point I'll go with anything since nothing I've tried has worked, basically I'm desperate.

"Okay! Here's what I'm thinking Normani likes to dance right?" Dinah says exaggeratedly with big eyes and I scoff as I respond with a simple 'yea.' I struggle to not make a face, she might as well have asked me if Harry Styles has 4 nipples, of course, everyone knows that... right. "Well if you want  Normani to notice you, you have to catch her when she's dancing!"  She claps in excitement and I refuse to get excited, that was her big plan?

"What Dinah, that's your big plan? I already tried that and all she did was walk away from me" I literally just tried that 20 minuets ago and it couldn't have gone worse.

"You danced?" She asks me with confusion and I glance back at her even more confused, now I'm starting to think she might not have a plan at all.

"What? No. Normani was dancing in one of the studios in the back and I complemented her and tried to get her to open up" I say while thinking about her during the dance and how she looked so content in the movement. 

"See exactly! You watched her dance, my plan is for you to dance for her" I start laughing uncontrollably the second the words fall out of Dinah's mouth. Me dancing? No bueno, I can barley walk on my own two feet around Normani how could I manage to dance for her. Dinah sends a glare my way and I stop immediately. "Seriously Mila, I've put a lot of thought into this, it just might work." 

"Sorry, but me dancing already sounds like an awful idea, I can barley catch on to our choreography as it is. The only thing it may do is cause her to die from laughter cause that is all she will be doing" I huff in frustration at my total lack of rhythm. 

"You know what I didn't want to do this, but your are testing me" Dinah says in a warning tone and I chuckle at her lame threat.

"Dinah, listen to me. I refuse to dance for Normani, I will not do it. Even if-" I say planning to list of a ridiculous demands.

"I dare you" Dinah says simply and my throat goes dry. 

"dINAH, that's not fair" we've been daring each other for a while now and whoever backs out loses and has to do whatever the winner says for an entire day. Either way I'm out of luck.

"Ah ah ah, rules are rules Chancho" she says with a sly grin and I stick my tongue out at her.

"You'll see that my hips do lie and regret this dare" Dinah just shakes her head and whispers boo and I hang my head. Jokes will never be my forte.

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

"No no no Camila, you have to roll your hips remember, like you're hula hooping" Ally says before demonstrating somewhat decently.

"Ally you look like you got a lower back cramp, Chancho do it like this" Dinah retorts before rolling her hips in a suggestive motion, coming closer to the way Lauren and Normani mange to look effortlessly. 

Dinah, Ally and I have been in the dance space near the lounge for the past two hours while Lauren and Normani work on recording their parts of the song. I look around the room still able to perfectly remember Normani just a few hours earlier twirling in concert to the music. Unlike me who is barely able to clap along with a beat steady past two minutes. We've given up on the idea of me dancing for Normani, thank goodness. But, Dinah being herself, didn't give up and now I'm dancing with Normani. Which didn't sound too terrible, it actually sounded exhilarating, till Dinah told me that she texted everyone and planned a night out. It's at a young adult club in LA that plays good tracks, one's that her and Normani are always screaming 'that's my jam' to. So her big plan now is to some how have me dance with Normani there, figuring she would be too distracted and ecstatic to push me away and I could potentially make up with her. So now her and Ally are trying to get me club ready and so far I am doing miserably. Another couple of hours go by and I manage to finally get the hang of a few moves after a water break.

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