He looks better, a lot better than the last time I saw him two months ago.

"Why did you stop visiting me?" Abalon asks and I suck in a breath almost choking on it.

"I... I thought that my presence was hampering your recovery." I stammer.

"Oh." he replies and jumps slightly. Turning surprised eyes to me he smiles.

"The baby is moving!" Abalon squeals and excitement shoots through my veins as I step to him.

He wastes no time in grabbing my hand and pressing it against the flesh protecting my legacy. My eyes are wide and on the spot where my hand lies. My pup moves furiously.

Abalon giggles again and I just stare at him. Oh God, he is beautiful. Why have I never noticed before? There's a tiny mole at the left corner of his lip and his button nose twitches as he takes in my scent.

"What fragrance are you wearing?" he asks sniffing my neck boldly.

"A cologne by Hugo Boss." I reply also taking in his changed scent. He smells like pineapples. Ripe, sweet, juicy pineapples. So delicious, my mouth waters and my body stir for him.

Seeing him round with my pup has my inner wolf on edge. Just wanting to pounce on him and make love to him for hours, days, months, years...

Abalon goes still when my arousal hits the air and I'm so embarrassed that I remove my hand off his stomach.

"Sorry. You just smell so good and look so sexy heavy with my pup." I murmur and feel heat climb my neck at my admission.

Abalon blushes sweetly and just nods while awkwardly clearing his throat.

"The doctor says I'll be discharged tomorrow. Um... will you help me to my quarters?" Abalon asks and I nod trying to focus on his words and not on his scent.

"I'll come by around nine in the morning." I murmur looking at his belly and leave when Abalon nods. I don't bring up what happened. I see it in his eyes that he doesn't even want to think of it either.

Quarters my ass, I built a house for my mate and that's exactly where he'll be going come tomorrow.

"Yana, I need your help." I say into my cell and explain to her my plans.


"I don't understand. You never accepted him before, what's different now?" Yanamarie asks me with a frown so hard I am wincing for her face.

"Everything. He's carrying my pup. My eyes are finally opened." I mumble dipping my brush into the paint can. We are currently painting the walls of the nursery in a light blue color.

"Well, all I can say is good luck bro because if I was in Aba's shoes you would have been minced meat by now." I nod in agreement happy that Abalon is an angel.

The next day when I bring Abalon home with me we say goodbye to Yana and Jarrell as they finally embark on their mission now that Abalon is awake and okay.

"This is your home now Abalon." I murmur resting my hand on Abalon's belly. "Our home." I watch as Abalon's eyes soften a fraction and then they're hard as steel when we step inside.

"For now. When the pup comes I'm moving back into my quarters." he says and storms off into the house. I sigh following him inside. Well I didn't expect that but it's still so much better than what any other wolf would have done.

I don't know why but Abalon never brought up what happened to him, what happened between us. All he's focused on right now is birthing a healthy pup.

"Do you like it?" I ask when he turns in a slow circle taking in the downstairs portion of my home, "You can change whatever you don't like." I add when he pursues his lips at the big brown sofas.

"It matters not what I like. This is your home and I'm just here temporarily." I want to grab him by his shoulders and shake him.

"This is your home too." I say softly but Abalon cuts me a harsh glare.

"No. This was built for your mate and since you never considered me as such this can never be my home." Abalon growls, his hand on his stomach as he stares me down.

"I... I'm sorry Abalon." I whisper not knowing what else to say.

"You and me both." he mumbles in reply rubbing his baby bump slightly.

"Show me to where I'll be sleeping please." Abalon snips and I take him upstairs.

"This room smells like you." Abalon says turning to me and I smile sheepishly.

"Yea, um, I thought we'd share a bed since it's important for both parents to bond with the pup before birth." I murmur.

Abalon sighs, "Fine." he grits and my stomach flip in excitement.

I make him soup and we have a nice awkward dinner and then it was even more awkward when it is time for bed. We both just look at each other from either sides of the bed; Abalon in his light green night gown and me in my pajama bottoms.

Abalon lay rigidly on the bed until he finally relaxes little by little and dose off to sleep. I lay awake all night just looking at him.

The beauty I've neglected to see.

The beauty I've neglected to see

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Thanks for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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