New Character and Some News

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Ally (Sonic): Hey guys, so before I get to the news... I have a new character joining us today.

Anna: (comes in) Hey...

Ally: This is my friend, I've been friends with her since first grade. She is my best friend, my longest friend, and she always stays with me. (Mumbles) Unlike some people.

McKenzie: I think that means the start of the news...

Ally: Yeah, so... As the people who have read my last few chapter know... I got a girlfriend a year ago, the ninth of this month was supposed to be our anniversary. But, she broke up with me near my birthday. In fact it was the day before my birthday, on Anna's birthday. (Because, my birthday is October 21, whilst Anna's is October 20). I ended up not telling anyone, mostly because I was silently hoping that we would get back together. And, we did. We got back together, but then on November 14, Sarah broke up with me again, by text again. She said that she lost interest in me, and that caused me to lose my interest in writing everything. But, I'm back now. I was planning on taking a longer break than this, but I realized that I shouldn't be selfish. I've helped some of my friends with my writing, and I'd like to think that I have helped people on here, as well. So, I'm now back. I'm going to be writing a few chapters in advance and posting them for the next few days. I'm currently sick, and my voice is shot. Literally every moment that I speak is agony.

McKenzie: It's true, she sounds like she's dying.

Lyric: She probably is, though.

Ally: I know right? My voice is my life, seeing as I sing for most of my time. But, other than that news, I have some more. I am discontinuing the song chapters and going to start on more dare chapters. If you wish to see how I would do my song chapters, just ask me and I will write one or two chapters containing yours or some other character's song(s). If you have any truth or dares, please pm me. I am no longer taking any more OCs, because my chapters have started to be taken over by them. I've got one more after Anna, and she will end up in the next book. Because, even though I have discontinued the song chapters, this book is still coming to an end. It is literally my longest book, but, again, a sequel shall be made. Along with it, a schedule shall be made because I haven't been sticking to my latest one.

Destiny: Yeah, why haven't you?

Ally: Well, one reason is the break-up. The other one is the fact that I just don't write chapters in advance. A lot of my chapters are not short at all and it's just too much to be doing my schoolwork, singing lessons, and still writing chapters on all of my stories that haven't been discontinued/put on hold. I do plan to start back up on writing a lot of my stories, but some have been discontinued permanently. Reasons behind that: I have a lot on my plate, I really hope you understand. Plus, I have a LOT of stories, and these stories that have been discontinued just aren't as good as I know they could be. The ones that just aren't as good as they could be are in the process of being remade. Some even get new plots, because the originals have already been overused by a lot of authors.

Anna: Anyways, I think that should signal the end of the chapter...

Ally: She is right, it does signal the end of this chapter. Again, pm me any truths or dares. And, my writing is, I hope, better so you shall get to see that, as well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pm me those questions or inquiries. I will be getting on Wattpad less, but again, I'm writing a lot of chapters in advance as soon as I get some truths and dares. Byee!

Everyone: BYEE!


Everything that I wrote here is true, including the part about me being sick and losing my voice. I'm using this chance to catch up on my writing, as well as some of my reading. I'm sorry I took so long of a break, but I do wish to thank all of you for so many reads. 2.7K reads, guys. That's a lot compared to my other writings. Thank you. Bye-Byee!


Ally: Soooo.... I never did those chapters, and it's been literal months. Wow... Guys, I suck xD. I'm feeling much better, I'm getting my medical conditions sorted out, and I'm starting a new chapter in my life. I've moved. This book will be continued, because I plan on getting on Wattpad a lot more. I am so sorry that I have not been on recently, it's been hectic.

Anna: You can say that again.

Ally: So, after Sarah, I got a boyfriend. His name was Colton. It was a bad relationship. One I shall not give a lot of details in. But, just to say, it was abusive. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. We broke up soon after the physical abuse started, thankfully, and I have recovered. I have a girlfriend now, the one behind the OC Lyric. She isn't actually my sister, as I have led a lot of you to believe. When I started this, we had been best friends since birth, so we decided just to call each other sisters. That is, until we realized our feelings. Admittedly, I realized mine first. Lyric is still here, by the way.

Lyric: Yes, baby, they know me.

Ally: -blushes and squeaks- Not in front of the readers!

Sonic: For the love of all that's holy! Guys, this has become the OC show.

Ally: This is true, and we would like to start back on Truth Or Dares again. Please. We need more screentime for the lovely Sonic characters.


McKenzie: We will take over if you scream like that again, Silv.

Ally: Oh, no you won't! -chases after McKenzie-

Sans: Welp, I guess that's the end.

Lyric: Babe, stop chasing the alternate version of you!

Ally: -blushes and stops, bumping into a wall, falling on the ground- Ow...

Lyric: We're gonna leave that there...

Everyone: BYEEE!

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