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         Ally: HEY GUYS! I'm still in the hospital with everyone.

Everyone: {waves}

Ally: We have something important announcement today!!! It's something that happens to everyone at some point in their lives.

Shadow: Yeah. It happened to her at one point. Before me.

Ally: For those who didn't know. I am bi-curious. Which means that I like both boys and girls. Well, not really. It means I'm trying to find out who I am. And, that I'm trying to experiment with this stuff. So, I was with my friend. {Who, in real life I'm actually dating.} She asked me out. I said yes. I didn't think it would take such a toll on me. I went home and told my family. Later on, about 3 months later into dating, I started to feel as if it wasn't real. You have to be able to know it's true. You can have your friends and family tell you that it is real. That they believe it. It doesn't matter. You have to have your love tell you it is true. That it is real and that they love you and always will. When I was talking to another friend of mine, my girlfriend overheard me. She heard that I didn't think she meant it. That I thought she was lying to not hurt my feelings. Later on that day she went up to me, and I could tell she was tense. I thought she was going to break up with me. She didn't. You know what she told me? She told me that I was the most beautiful and talented person in the world. That she loves me and she always will. It helped me to believe her. To believe IN her. I just hope that all of you get to experience something like that. To experience your love telling you that they love you and always will. Because.... It helps to make you believe. In yourself and them. The two people who you need to believe in when you are in a relationship.

Shadow: {grabs Ally} I love you and I always will.

Ally: Love you too Shadow. But, in the real universe. I love my girlfriend. Kacey Golden. You're the best girlfriend I can have.

Shadow: I understand. At least you love me in this universe.

Ally: {smiles} Thank you guys for reading. Goodbye.

Amy: Hope you experience this.

Silver: We love you.

Everyone: GOODBYE!!!!

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