You Will Be Found (Not a Chapter, but please read)

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Hey guys. Today I found a song, it's the one at the top, and it's from a musical that I personally love called Dear Evan Hansen. I started listening to this song today, and didn't exactly know how to react. It was about the main character's speech on his friend. Evan Hansen is a boy struggling to fit in at high school, trying to fit in with his crush Zoe and her socially awkward brother Connor Murphy. Later on, Connor Murphy does something extreme. He killed himself, and a lot of it was because he thought he wasn't good enough. But, Evan Hansen wrote and performed a speech about Connor. It was posted on a website, made by Evan to honor Connor's memory. When he first made the website and posted the speech, that morning he only had about 56 followers on the page. But, later on that day, Evan and others found that he had over 16,000 followers on the page. Everyone who read it, even those who barely knew Connor, had shared the speech to everyone they could think of. They made it go viral, and people were glad to have a space where their thoughts could be heard. Where their voices could be heard. I'm not a professional, but this does good for people. To be heard, is exactly like being seen to people who are usually not. They want someone to talk to, they want someone to hear them as what they are. They not only want this, but they need it. This page, called the Connor Project, gave people a space where they could voice their thoughts. It gave people a space where they could be honest about their loneliness without fear of being judged or bullied. I feel like everyone needs this. I know that the musical is just a written script, but it takes up a space in my heart because of the meaning behind it. You shouldn't forget that you have your own opinions, your own feelings. And, you shouldn't be afraid to voice them. That's what I do by writing. It is my honesty that gets me by, that helps me. I want everyone that reads this to know, no matter what you're going through. No matter what you're feelings, whether it be sadness, loneliness, or dread. You have someone here that will listen. I will listen to you, I will try my best to help you through whatever you're going through. Because, you guys have done that for me. Just by reading my stories, just by sticking with me, and standing by me. I have people reading this story that I have messaged, and I have people reading this story that have been so nice and they have stuck up for me when things were turning rough. I even have people reading that just do that, they read. Every single one of you have helped me, and I want to return the favor. Message me anytime you want, I will do my best to respond and to help. I can't promise that it will be immediately, but what I can promise is that whenever I can I will be trying to help. That, I can promise you.

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