Visiting The Relatives

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Third Person POV

Raviera is in his dragon form and flying towards Mount Glenn where underneath, Isabelle's family lives. Isabelle is already there visiting her family and she kept Raviera a suprise from everyone in her family. Of course the family only consists of females since they eat the man after sex but Isabelle is the only arachnid in the family who doesn't want to do that. Raviera lands inside a huge cafe on the top of Mount Glenn and turns back to normal. He sees a giant pit with spider webs creeping out of it, the stalactytes in the cafe have holes in them and are home to many spiders. Raviera glides down and sees a purple door. He knocks and Isabelle opens. They kiss and hug. Isabelle then lets him inside where the rest of Isabelle's family is hanging out in the living room with a cup of purple tea and cookies that seem to have spiders in them. The members of Isabelle's family are as followed.

Her mom, Arachne Elizabeth

Her aunt, Lucy Elizabeth (The spider girl from Monster Masume

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Her aunt, Lucy Elizabeth (The spider girl from Monster Masume.)

And her little sister, Willow Arachne

(She's much smaller and she doesn't have boobs yet

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(She's much smaller and she doesn't have boobs yet. She's 7.)

Isabelle: Make yourself at home my handsome dragon~.

As Isabelle goes into the kitchen, Arachne approaches him.

Arachne: So, you were the one she chose hm?

Raviera: Yeah, why do you ask?

Arachne: Well, see today is your test. By the end of it, I'll decide if you two can stay together or not.

Raviera: Okay sure.

Lucy: Wel, you sure seem confident.

Raviera: Well yeah, Isabelle loves me and I love her soooo...

Isabelle then comes back with some more tea and cookies

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