The tall guy smiled and said, "You must be a new college student. My name is Park Chan Yeol. What is your name?" I smiled at Chan Yeol and replied, "My name is Jojo Wu. I came here to meet Kim Jong In." Chan Yeol said, "Oh! Are you his friend? You look like a good guy. It can't be you are Jong In's friend because I know what kind of people who are friends with him." I replied with a smile, "I am not his friend. I work at his house." "Aa~ I see," Chan Yeol said with nods. 

When Chan Yeol and I arrived at the canteen, I thanked Chan Yeol, then we went our separate ways. Suddenly I heard Jong In's shouting voice, "Jojo! Over here!" I walked towards Jong In and then gave him the book he requested.

"Jong In-ssi. I haven't eaten lunch yet. Could you please buy me something to eat? I am really hungry," I said. Jong In opened his wallet and checked his money before he bought me a chicken burger with fries and soft drink.

I ate my lunch slowly while looking at Jong In who was doing his college assignment with his two friends at the next table. Suddenly I remembered the days I spent with Qing Shia at college and it made me miss my college and Qing Shia.

Jong In moved from the next table and sat opposite me once he finished his college assignment with his two friends. I heard Jong In's stomach growling. I said, "Ah, you must be hungry. Don't you wanna buy something to eat?" "No, I am not hungry," Jong In replied.

When I heard the sound of stomach growling from Jong In's stomach again, I chuckled. Jong In said with annoyance, "Hurry up, finish your lunch! I wanna go home to eat lunch!" "Why must go home just for lunch? You can buy something to eat here if you are hungry," I said. "I don't like canteen food," said Jong In. "Okay. Let me wash my hands first before we go home," I said. 

I left Jong In to wash my hands. When I walked towards Jong In after washing my hands, I saw Jong In eating my leftover fries and drinking my soft drink. I approached Jong In from behind him and surprised him by saying, "I thought you didn't like canteen food." Jong In got surprised and felt embarrassed.

I grabbed my soft drink and flipped its straw before I drank it. "Why did you do that? You treat me as if I have a contagious disease," said Jong In, feeling offended by my doing. "I don't want to have an indirect kiss with you, that's all," I replied. Jong In mumbled while pouting, "Tch! Is that even a problem when we've already kissed several times before?" I argued in a low voice, "That wasn't a kiss... You forced me." 

Jong In stared at me closely and said with a tempting smile, "Then, do you want to taste my real kiss? I can..." I instantly covered Jong In's mouth with my hand to shut him up because I was afraid someone might hear Jong In and got misunderstood about us, because I was dressing like a guy. 

I grabbed Jong In's hand and dragged him to leave canteen immediately. Jong In chuckled then said, "Ah! I know! You don't want to have an indirect kiss with me because my lips taste better, right? I can see that you want us to go home quickly so you can taste my lips again." I stopped my steps and let go of Jong In's hand because I felt irritated. I walked fast to leave Jong In behind. Jong In shouted from behind me, "Yaa! Wait for me!! I was kidding only!"

Suddenly Se Hun passed by me and Jong In. Se Hun walked with a pretty girl by holding hands. Jong In asked the girl angrily, "Yaa! Are you dating him now?" "Why not? You have nothing now," the girl replied, then she smiled cynically at Jong In.

Jong In pulled the girl away from Se Hun. Se Hun shouted at Jong In, "Let her go!" Jong In didn't want to let the girl go. Se Hun punched Jong In's face. Jong In fell to the ground and Se Hun left with the girl.

Seeing Jong In going to chase Se Hun and the girl, I quickly grabbed Jong In's hand to stop him. "Come on, let's go home. Don't waste your time on them," I said. Jong In grabbed his backpack from the ground angrily and then walked with me to the university main gate while cursing the girl.

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