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Honestly, my job was unclear. Sometimes I just needed to accompany grandpa. Sometimes I went with Jong Dae to help him teach his kindergarten students. Sometimes I just needed to serve a cup of coffee milk for Jun Myeon.

But one thing for sure. I had to clean Jong In's room everyday and I hated it so much. Jong In's room was always messy like a place after being hit by disaster. I was 100% sure if Jong In intentionally messed up his room just to give me extra work.

And there was one thing which made me curious. It was Kim Min Seok. I never saw him, not even once since I worked in Kim mansion. He never stepped out from his room. The housemaid always delivered his breakfast, lunch and dinner to his room everyday.

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Jun Myeon and grandpa went abroad after the breakfast. Jong Dae left for teaching as soon as he finished his breakfast. Jong In also left for college. I went to tidy Jong In's room.

2 hours later.

I went to the backyard, bringing my Sweet Lies novel because I got nothing to do. I lay down on the lounge chair near the pool, then I started reading my novel. That was the fourth time I read it. Sweet Lies had become my favorite novel because that was the only novel that had BUN's autograph.

As time went by, I fell asleep because of the gentle breeze. I didn't know how long I fell asleep while holding my novel on my chest. When I woke up, a man with sunglasses was standing near me, he was bending down to see the cover of my novel up close. The man got startled when he realized that I had woken up from sleep.

The man turned his body around immediately then walked away leaving me. I chased the man right away. As I walked beside the man, I smiled at him and asked, "You must be Kim Min Seok-ssi, right?" The man didn't answer me. I said, "I am Jojo. I work here. Do you have something for me to do?" The man gave no response, he kept walking without looking at me.

"Do you like reading novel too? Do you wanna try to read this one? Its love story is good," I said while offering my novel. The man ignored me and went into his room right away. I broke into his room because I wanted to see what was inside his room which could make him stay in his room without going out.

The man was shocked when he saw me inside his room. The man pushed me out of his room right away without saying anything and then I heard him locking the door of his room. I mumbled with a pout, "Tch! What a weird man!"

Suddenly I heard Jong In shouting at me, "Jojo! Come here!!!" I walked to approach Jong In while pouting. I asked with unfriendly manner, "What??" Jong In showed the picture of a girl on his smartphone and said, "I want you to date this girl tonight." "No, I don't want to," I refused. 

"He must have made a promise to go on a date with two girls at the same time," I thought in annoyance. "I will give you money for this," said Jong In. I rejected Jong In by saying out loud, "I said no!" Suddenly Jong In choked my neck and said, "You work here, so you have to obey me!"

I couldn't breathe and my face turned red due to shortness of breath. Jong In released his hand from my neck immediately and paid attention to my neck closely. "You don't have Adam's apple," said Jong In. I gasped and then ran away to leave Jong In immediately. Since that time, I tried to avoid Jong In as much as I could.

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1 month later.

All grandsons were busy preparing a birthday party for grandpa except Min Seok. The housemaids cleaned throughout the house. Best chefs were invited to cook. I helped arranging the tables and chairs at the garden for the birthday party.

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