She laughed at something he said while he looked at her.... elated.

That bugged the crap out of me. What the fuck was he getting elated for?

"If looks could kill, Chad would drop dead." A voice broke my death stare on the dick.

The voice belonged to Kristen, she was in one of my classes. She cheered at the games.. wore the whole outfit... I knew her type. Hell, I had dated her type. 

I ignored her and went back to glaring at the dumbfuck that had now managed to back Kea into a corner and she was absolutely oblivious about it.

It was a classic move. Back the girl up in a dark corner and seem genuinely interested in whatever she drunkenly described even if it was her aunt's cat and then you give the girl a charming short laugh and bit your lip then looked at hers and that's when SHE kissed you. That's how it was done. Worked every time.

Which meant that any second now Chad was going to kiss Kea. 

The air in the room seemed to have been sucked out. 

I moved away from Kristen who had been saying something but i hadn't heard a word.

But I didn't give a shit, this was a state of emergency.

I was in a state of urgency.

I pulled Chad off of Kea with so much force, he went stumbling a few feet away.

Yeah, they could talk at this distance. This was fine.

He was about to come at me when he saw my face, he waited a second before shrugging it off.

Kea looked at me more amused than scared, "Are we jealous Resey?"

I liked that she had given me a nickname but Resey really?

Not only was I a sucker when it came to her but I was named like one too.


I had turned towards her with such anger but it all vanished when she said that. 

Without the mask of indifference, she looked different.

Not another side, I realised this was her.

I could see it in her smile, it reached all the way to her eyes for the first time ever. 

And Kea had never looked better, I was almost glad she had gotten drunk.


She saw something on the other side of the room, her attention span was of a newborn child with or without being under the influence of alcohol.

Good to know that the one thing I needed to be different from her, hadn't changed.

I walked around with her, shadowing her while she did her drunk thing, pulling her away from people just in time to avoid actual physical contact.

Fun little fact: Drunk Kea was a thousand times more reckless than normal Kea.

I tried to get her to sit down, which worked for like a minute. I tried to get her to drink fluids which she did- in a ping pong game that she lost and after losing- ran to punch the guy.

Drunk Kea hated losing but I could bet a hundred bucks that sober Kea was just as competitive.

Whenever I brought her anything that could get her sober she blatantly ignored me. 

Anything fun- she ran towards.

Drunk Kea was an annoyingly adorable child.

I tried to pull her away when she ran for karaoke but she kneed me in the stomach and reached for the makeshift system's mike.

And she sang 'a million pieces'. She had a great voice when she used it for something other than verbal harassment of people.

Drunk Kea was a Placebo fan.

I was there when she yelled "that's my song" as Need you now by Lady Antebellum played on the speakers and skipped to the dance floor and started moving her body against some dude and raised her arms to feel the guy behind her. Of course, I pushed the guy away and took his place. 

Fucking Bastard, if I didn't have to babysit Kea which, don't get me wrong, was a lot of fun.

But if she wasn't drunk then I'd not have to make a mental note of all the guys I had to bash up later. The list was getting longer and longer every 5 seconds.

Drunk Kea was a dirty dancer.

She kept losing things, like her shoe, her keys, her rings. 

She went on to borrow a cigarette from a random guy smoking outback.

She lay on the grass in the garden in Lucas's backyard and stared at the night sky making clouds of smoke.

"Do you still think I need saving Reyes?" Her eyes focused on the stars above us.

"I never said you needed saving Kea, you are more than capable of doing that yourself." I sat next to her as she stretched her hand to touch the sky.

"I'm a little beyond sos calls now Wilder." She dropped her hand and closed her eyes.

It truly crushed me that she believed that. 

She really did. 

She had accepted the notion that she was so far gone, so comfortably broken, that it broke my heart.

My heart?

Why dammit?

Was I in love with Kea?

Is that why?

I shook my head ignoring the nagging feeling.

However this Kea. 

The one I was seeing before me was without a doubt my favourite side of her.

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