Chapter 18

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* A couple weeks later *



things have been going ok for us. I mean besides that Tony situation were ok. I still want to kill that nigga but cyn had convinced me to keep it pushing so for her sake I will.

" KING !! "

K: mom I'm right here you don't have to yell.

" oh I didn't see you " I chuckled I think I yell to much. " you ready for school ? "

K: yes ma'am

" did you tell cyn bye ? "

C: No he didn't

she poked out her bottom lip

K: I'm sorry mama I thought you were sleeping. Here

he gave her a hug and kissed her cheek

C: have a good day in school buddy love you

K: love you too

" alright let's go "

K: did you tell mama bye ? he looked at me

cyn folded her arms looking at me

C: nope I guess everyone forgets about me

I walked up to her and pecked her lips

" I love you too " I joked

C: uh huh, matter fact I'm going with you guys I'm hungry

" ok babe hurry up and gey dressed or hell be late "

we took king to school

K: bye you guys

" so I get no hug or nothing " I said with my hands in the air

C: forreal it's like that king ?

K: you guys are funny but yes you get hugs

he gives both of us our hugs and kisses


after dropping king off at school we went to IHOP for breakfast but before that I noticed a little group of boys pointing and laughing at him when we drop him off. I didn't say anything but I know something is up.

" babe "

E: yes princess

" um when we dropped of king did you notice the boys behind him "

E: what boys ?

" there were a group of boys that were laughing and pointing at him "

E: I didn't see that what you trying to say baby ?

" I don't know I just have a bad feeling I hope nothing happens to him "

she grabs my hand

E: everything is gonna be ok and if not I'll be knocking out the parents of those kids if their kids are messing with our son.

I laugh " your too much "

after eating we went back home

E: so no plans today ?

" not that I know of "

E: let's go take a walk it's nice out

" ok love "

we walk to the park

" Babe ! "

E: what. She looked startled

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