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Continuation from erica and cyn getting out the shower from the last chapter.


after cyn telling me she's in love with me I felt like going out clubbing and have some fun with her.

" babe "

"yes beautiful" she looked away from her phone looking up at me.

" let's go out tonight"

"ok baby where do you wanna go?"

"Club Liv"

" alright let's go " she gets out of the bed.

" ok I. gonna call a few friends to meet us there, now go get sexy for me " I winked at her.

" yes daddy " she smiled.

We get dolled up for the club....

I'm wearing an all white strapless Gucci dress, that tightens body, my hair straight going down to my waist, and wearing a pair of red bottoms. "I Look GOOD " I said to myself, but when Cyn steps out the bathroom my eyes were stuck on her, my eyes were racing all over her body. she had on a bad ass red dress on, that showed off her beautiful apple ass, and the front flaunts her amazing breast, her legs looked so smooth. " damn baby "

C: I looked at erica and she looked FLAWLESS. that dress showed every part of her body that I love. " you look amazing baby "

ME: " can I have you "

C: " you can have anything you want " she kisses me and lays me down on the bed.

ME: I kiss her neck softly, then I stop at look into her eyes and all I can think about is how hard I'm falling for her.

C: is something wrong ?

ME: no baby I'm just.... nothing let's go and have fun, I get off her but she pulls me back on too of her.

C: erica wait... " yes cyn " she said " I love you " I kiss her lips.

ME: hearing those words gives me butterflies " I love you too " I kiss her one last time and we head out to the club.


When we got to the club the DJ announces out arrival " oh here's a surprise we got cyn Santana and erica mena in this biiiiiiich " we smile gave hugs and took pictures with people before we got to V.I.P area. Erica's friends started coming through , the music was blasting French Montana Pop That. we dancing drinking just having a hell of a time. As I'm dancing someone comes up to me saying Nya wants to speak with me , I look to where she's at and she waves at me to go over there. I look for erica and she's dancing with her peoples so I leave to see wassup with Nya.

N: hey cyn

ME: wassup Nya you wanted to talk or something

N: na I just wanted to talk a couple patron shots with you, I know you love that patron !

ME: when it comes to patron I don't play " you know I do " I said smiling. we take 2 or 3 shots back to back, and is it down those shits hit me harder than I expected. All of a sudden Nya jumps on my lap and starts grinding on me.

" what are you doing my girl is right over there "

" so I just wanna have some fun with you cyn "

" erica is not gonna like this "

" I know, she's not gonna like this either.

she kisses me and I pull back " are you crazy !?" I tried getting her off but she had me by the neck she planted another kiss on me " Nya stop ! "

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