Chapter 16- Mister Doctor Man

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"And I never will, Love." Resting his chin on my hair he pulls me closer to him and we stay there in each others arms for a while.

After we eat, we decide to watch a little TV, "Hey. What should we do today?"

"Well, we could call the guys over and play some video games and order some take out." I suggest shrugging my shoulders as I mindlessly flip through the channels.

"Okay. You go get ready and I'll call them over." Pete said taking out his phone and I assume texting the guys.

"Thanks, Babe." I peck his cheek and skip up the stairs.

I throw open the doors of my close dramatically, I pick out a white shirt, some pastel pink pants and an oversized blue jacket. (Above)

Once I was done getting read I hopped down the stairs and saw that everyone was already here. It scares me how fucking fast they could get to my house.

"What's up, Motherfuckers?" I say raising my hands in the air.

"I'd like to think you treat your parents better then that." Joe said putting a hand to his heart and pulling Andy close.

"Fuck you, let's play some Mario Kart." I say flipping him off and taking a seat in between Pete and Gabe.

"You mean the game that is bound to destroy our friendships and relationships." Brendon called from a loveseat where Ryan was sitting on his lap.

"You guys are like fucking rabbits. Are you ever not sitting on each other's lap or making out?" Gabe shook his head at Ryan and Brendon.

"Bite me, Fuckporta." Ryan flipped him off and then proceeded to sloppily make out with Brendon.

"You need to work on your insults, Assdick." Gabe says sticking his tongue out at Brendon so I decided to intervene before it ended in another frozen yogurt incident.

"Ladies, Ladies, we don't want this to turn into another fro-yo incident so just grab a fucking controller and lets play." I say grabbing two controls and giving one to Pete.

"That's not fucking fair! Gabe started throwing yogurt at my pizza and I was just a poor, delicate, utterly defenseless victim." Brendon shouted shooting playful daggers at Gabe.

"You fucking liar! You were the one who got us banned from that place after you basically flooded the whole store whilst holding my head under the chocolate and vanilla machines and then dumping my face into the sprinkles!" Gabe grabbed a controller as if the argument was already over.

"Gabe's right, liars get their dicks cut off." Andy said and Joe just shook his head and set up the game.

"Still, you ruined my fucking pizza! You never mess with a guys pizza! Right, Pete?" Brendon asks looking over at my boyfriend with an expectant look on his face.

"Dudes got a point, dude. Their is one rule, never mess with a guys fucking pizza." Pete nods approvingly at Brendon and then laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his head slightly thrown back. "Let's finally get this game started."

We vote and choose rainbow road and start to play.

"YOU FUCKING DICKS, WHO THE FUCK THROUGH THE BLUE SHELL?" The screaming begins with Andy throwing a blue shell at Brendon.

"NEVER-MIND THAT, I'M IN FIRST PLACE, YOU ASS FUCKS!" Pete screams followed by maniacal laughter that I'm not going to lie, kind of scared me.

Currently, being in 6th place I wasn't having it. Especially since, my boyfriend was in 1st place. "PETE, STOP BEING A BAD BOYFRIEND AND LOSE."

As soon as I said that I saw Gabe flinch out of my peripheral vision. I shook my head and continued to stare intensely at the screen, it was just my imagination.

"USTEDES SON UNOS BOLUDOS, SI ALGUIEN ME PASA OTRA VEZ LES JURO QUE MATÓ A ESTOS BAJOS PENDEJOS DE MIERDA!" (*clears throat* as one might guess what Gabe just said is very poetic also known as, "You guys, are massive fucking idiots, if anyone else passes me I swear I'll kill all of you short fucks!)

"I have no fucking idea what you just said but I passed you again asshole." Andy screams as he passes Gabe and is in 2nd place.

"You motherfuckers, suck I hope all of you die and choke on a dick!" Ryan says throwing his control at the wall and crossing his arms and shooting daggers.

"Well that was a bit uncalled for." Andy said without even looking and focusing on the game.

After everything, Andy won, Pete came in second, Brendon punched Gabe, Gabe came in third, I broke my controller after accusing everyone of cheating. We ended up with three broken controllers and some of my throw pillows had somehow ended up in the kitchen.

"That game should be illegal." Andy said looking around at the mess and everyone mumbled their agreement.

(A/N): Can you tell this was a filler? Anywhore, the plot will come back soon and we'll get on with it. Sorry for this especially shitty chapter but there always shitty. How was your day? Mine was boring but oh well. Thanks for reading (voting and commenting if you did.)


P.S: This was really unedited sorry

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